When the newcomer jumped from no where, weapons drawn, Durus was about to bring his greatsword down upon his head before the lady from before broke in. Apparently the man was shifter, if the smell was any indication. Dog... or wolf, either way he was placated by the woman and no more bloodshed had to be had. For now anyway. Shifting into a more neutral stance Durus took stock of the new arrival. Strongly built, fast, well armed.... definitely fit the picture of the "fighting monk" he claimed to be. However at the utterances of curses, keepers, and help out of them Durus was intrigued. "You say this man can help me with this?" Gesturing to the armor that kept him trapped. If they could find anyway to help then he would seek them out, after he escorted the lady out of this city. "I will take your words into consideration, after I escort the lady out of this city. For I am lost, my memory isn't the best these days. My name is Durus of....of.... Ber...Ber... Oh. I can't remember." This was most troubling, he could have recalled his title a month ago. Or could he? He hasn't had to use it in many a month, most troubling indeed. Shaking it off for now, Durus said "Anyway, we need to move on. The streets aren't safe at night, those ruffians you saw earlier were proof of that." With that Durus Waited for the next move.