Name: Arkhas, The Slaughter Chapter: Carcharadons Astra, Aka Space Sharks Equipment: Mark 6 “Corvus” Power armor, Eviscerator chainsword, bolt pistol, power gladius, digital weapons. Biography: Arkhas was born a slave boy on some distant planet, beyond the Emperor’s holy gaze. He would only reach the age of 9 before the Space Sharks descended on the planet, like terrifying angels. They decimated the infrastructure of the world in a day. The militaries were leaderless and in shambles after 3. Total surrender was on day 4. The male children age 13 and below were taken on day 5, and on day 6, the planet burned, with it’s 3 million population of heretics. Arkhas remembers none of this, save for somewhere deep in his reptile brain. At the age of 19, he complete scout training, and was inducted into the actual chapter proper. The Space Sharks however, are nomadic, and instead of being organized into official companies, they are assigned to ships. Each ship captain, also serves the same role as a company captain, leading his men as he sees fit. Arkhas was assigned to serve on the Nicor. It was from here he would conduct his terrifying raids for 200 years, adept as tactical and devastator marines, and master of assault. He was an angel of death on wings of flame, steed of steel, or born aloft in a land speeder. So it was here he would remain, for 200 years, before elevating to the Red Brethren, an inner circle of butchers allowed to fight in Terminator armor. In another decade he was in command of them. After four more decades of command, passing all chances at captain, he took the position of the chapter champion. He held this title for 20 years, before being sent to the Deathwatch for service. Notable Achievements: Served two decades as the Chapter champion, losing only one singular combat. Served in the Badab war with honors. Killed 50+ heretics in the storming of Badab Primaris. Bested an entire squad of Khorne Beserkers in single combat. Physical Description: Arkhas stands at a daunting 7 feet tall, a hulking barbarian. His skin, when seen, is a pale white, the color of a sheet, due to the mutated genes that mark his chapter. His eyes are a pair of black soulless pits, showing no emotion except for disdain. His left arm is no longer flesh and bone, and is robotic from his shoulder down. It is crude, and seals against the outside atmosphere, and serves as a constant reminder to the only time he has failed in his duties. In armor, Arkhas always wears his “beak” helmet, and has the black armor of the deathwatch. His left arm is already silver metal, but he still wears the Inquisitorial shoulder pad. His right arm bears the shark of his chapter. On his back in his massive two handed chainsword, and on his right hip is his bolt pistol, his gladius being opposite on the left. Dangling from his neck, are several necklaces, with predatory animal’s teeth and jawbones, each one with delicate scrimshaw etched into it. Class: Assault Marine Personality: The word Cold would describe Arkhas the best, and even then, it might be too friendly. Outside of combat, he is quiet, not due to having a lack of words, but due to rarely wishing to impart his thoughts. Below the surface however, is a seething rage, waiting to boil over. In combat, Arkhas comes alive, painting with the color red, carving his way through battle formations. He feels no Joy, no pride. Nothing during this time, except for a deep anger and hatred, and a calm, collected, savage butchery. Arkhas believes in no higher powers, except for the armor he is clad in, and the weapons he uses to smite any in his path. If anyone has an ideas for what the missions will be, or aliens they want to fight, make your case heard now. I'll take any suggestions by thursday night, so friday night/saturday morning I can post the thread proper and get this rolling.