Irrelevant, but just discovered there was a game of thrones mod for CK2. Game crashed a dozen times, learned it was due to the ruler designer not working well with it, fixed it. . . and then while looking for a nice place to start, I find this one little Lord Clayton, a 9 year-old boy. He was the Lord of Greenward, of House Blount. He was about as unimportant as they come. And yet. . . something told me to play him. I don't know why, but I was compelled to by some desire not entriely my own. If I described everything that's happened so far, it would take up a short story, but in short: Lord Clayton has become the poor man's Loras Tyrell. The Mad King won the war, but quickly died of illness, leaving Ser Feelsalot in charge. A rebellion deposed him to put Selwyn of Tarth on the throne, whose reign was much like Robert Baratheon's in the book series, albeit much longer. He died a 'natural' death at age 51, and now Galadon [married to Margaery Tyrell, natch] sits on the Iron Throne. The Kings of the land were fine with who got the throne, but not how the land was divided via Gavelkind. A civil war only slightly smaller than Robert's rebellion has placed every kingdom save the Stormlands against Galadon. They now fight to depose Galadon in favour of his younger brother, and institute Primogeniture succession, so this shitstorm doesn't happen again. Also, Jon Connington killed Robert during his rebellion. One province south of Stoney Sept. I find this a very eerie alternate history. For reference, the game is now 6 years after Robert's death in the book series.