[b]Somewhere in Fuyuki[/b] It had been ages since Gas Bill had noticed the bizarre red markings appear on his hand. He'd been fortunate enough to hear about the War itself from a previous participant during his training, which gave the Arsonist Detective time to secure himself a noteworthy artifact to use as a catalyst. He reached into his trenchcoat, withdrawing a piece of aged marble. Staring at it a moment, as he used Structural Grasping on the object, he recalled the day he obtained it as thanks for saving that museum from art thiefs who had wanted to get at the some of the buildings more valuable articles. The man snorted, then placed it onto the ground as he set the pebble into the middle of a complex array. "[i]Iron and stone to the Origin, Something, something, The Kaleidoscope Something, something, fate and balance You who heeds the call of the Grail Come forth, and answer my summons Fill it, five times, Drink from it, five times Something, something, gibberish I am all the Evils in the World I am all the Justice in the World At the behest of the Holy Grail My Fate shall be as your sword Now come forth, Keeper of the Balance!"[/i] A bright light shone out in front of the man, who's sunglasses enabled him to see through the glare unimpeded. A shape took form within the circle, and stood up. "[i]I, Servant Rider, answer your summons, are you my Master?[/i]" "[i]Hrrrm[/i]," Gas Bill hums to himself thoughtfully, "Indeed I am." He lowers his head, eyes peeking out from behind his shades, "Let's get started."