Standing there the Time Lord in a sense could feel his TARDIS' dismay at losing the trace. She wanted to find this other Time Lord as much as the Doctor did. "It's alright, girl. You did your best" he gave an endearing pat to the console. But who was he? Why couldn't the Doctor fully pick up on the other being's scent? He'd gotten recognizable traces here and there these past few days yes but nothing truly solid. It was almost if this time lord had gone into hiding, but how? why? Was there another TARDIS? Perhaps he could scour the school in the dead of night, quietly as to not arouse suspicion. So many thoughts were swarming through the Time Lords mind as he was about to ravage his hair in a furious manner. Which was in fact something he did quite often when trying to solve things, bring up memories to the surface, but also when annoyed. And this time? Well it just happened to be one of those annoyed, and somewhat angered moments. Before he even lifted his hands to do such an act he felt a hand upon his shoulder. For a moment, that was enough to pull him out of semi-fury, his mind instantly rushing back to reality from his angered annoyance he'd somewhat drifted into. Slowly the Doctor turned his gaze to Luna, his dark chocolate brown eyes taking in the image of her face, hearing her words. It was snowing and she wanted them to leave the warmth of the TARDIS and venture into the snow covered ground of Hogwarts. Before the Doctor even answered he watched as Luna headed for the door and opened it before looking to him with a smile. It was that smile that caused the Time Lord to calm as he returned the smile. He didn't speak a word, oh no not a word. Instead the Time Lord took up his brown trench coat from its usual spot in the TARDIS and walked out, shutting the door behind him. He had his suit jacket and was perfectly fine in the weather. But Luna? With the thin fabric she wore? He knew she'd probably get cold on the walk in the snow. Walking up to her the two headed through the woods, taking their time. The Doctor took it upon himself to make sure Luna was warm and slipped his coat over her shoulders "To keep you warm" he gave her a smile as they walked. Yet as they moved further through the brush, the Doctor listened to the blonde's words, so she did want to travel?" the Time Lord couldn't help but feel over elated at the thought. "That's brilliant news, Luna. Because I would love to show you so many places. The world doesn't just revolve around here. Out there" he pointed to the sky "Passed the stars lies a galaxy, a place of numerous gatherings of stars and planets of ever sort that you could possibly think of and more" the more the Time Lord spoke the more his hearts were beginning to race as that sense of 'adventure' began to swarm through his body. A grin soon formed as he spoke further, mentioning some of his favorite planets he'd visited; and of course he had to bring up Barcelona the planet which held dogs with no noses. When Luna spoke of nothing being able to stay at Hogwarts forever, the man gave an empathetic gaze followed by a nod "We can always come back just.. at a different time of course for.. reasons" he went on explaining the reasons of intervening in time lines and so forth. As the duo walked side by side they headed toward the Lake. Something the Doctor always loved from his first visit to the wizarding world was the song of the merpeople. It truly was beautiful and with each visit he always made sure to stop by and get a listen in. - - - The hidden Time Lord walked side by side with Rose, listening to her speak as they ventured through the snow blanketed ground, hearing the soft muffled crunch with every few steps as they neared the waters of the lake. The man couldn't explain to himself why, but this truly felt recognizable in a sense, in another worldly sort of way. As if he'd spent hours before his time here at Hogwarts admiring the song of the Merpeople. But that would be preposterous.. right? If only the man knew who he truly was, but with his memories still locked away in the watch, he himself being too stubborn and not wanting change to try again with opening it, that was how it was going to stay. He'd pushed his doubts of this life aside, not wanting to believe that he was in fact connected to this 'Doctor' Rose had mentioned the night before. Deciding not to bring up any more of the poor girl's explosion in the Great Hall moments ago the hidden Time Lord stayed her and once they reached the bank of the lake and took a seat. It was a completely different atmosphere in a sense. Calmer, much calmer, the gentle hums from the water the delicate speckles of snow falling to the earth around them in a gentle sporadic array all around the school grounds. "Not much snow, aye? Well that's a lot of rotten luck. It's really a beautiful sight, hm?" when she brought up New ears, it snowing but her not being able to enjoy it the man gave a nod he opened his mouth to speak but she continued on with speaking. Camping? well to be honest the man didn't see her as a camping type, but again he could be wrong. She did seem like the type of person who enjoyed an adventure. Just hearing her voice, then the slight dismay at the end of her comment the man wasn't truly sure how to answer at that point. With her shift, his eyes pulled from snow around them, the calming atmosphere to focus on the blonde girl beside him. She spoke again about him being an alien. then the Doctor. To be honest it was all very confusing, very troubling for the man but he knew Rose's heart was in the right place. His mind wandered back to the times he'd opened the watch, the golden light that would race for his eyes, filling his mind with images and thoughts he'd never seen before. With a gulp the man slowly reached into his robe pocket and pulled out his fob watch, his thumb tracing the designs on the cover of the watch as he gave a sigh. The image of the blue police box popped into his mind "The TARDIS … is what the blue box is called." he gulped thickly at his own words. At the images that had raced for his mind the time before when he'd opened the watch "… it … it stands for Time and Relative Dimension in Space… this.. watch.. showed me that.." He tore his gaze from the watch to Rose "I.. don't know where this came from. But I had it with me when I woke up here in the infirmary two years ago. I don't remember anything before that. I truly don't. I just know that I'm a wizard, a charms professor.. I know I was born in Carlisle.. at least" he looked to the watch once more "At least I think I was…" what was this? A sense of unease and somewhat emotional pain began to form in the hidden Time Lord's heart(s). "I want to still believe that this is who I am… but after looking into this watch… twice already… I know that isn't the case… it can't be. But this? … this notion that I'm some alien from a distant planet? That's … that's just daft in its own right." - - - As the two entered Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop, it was a beautiful little shop, quite cozy in Harry's opinion. Yet as they were seated, a look around their atmosphere 'romance' being a 'theme' it seemed as the tables were filled up with pairs of two each. Giggling, smiling, giving googley eyes to each other. In a sense it was a romantic notion on its own but Harry at that point felt quite uncomfortable. If he'd known this would have been the outcome of their visit he would have suggested 'Three Broomsticks' instead of here. But they were already there and seated and handed menus. Taking up his menu, Harry looked it over and ordered a cuppa tea and some sweets. Sitting there after handing the menu to the waitress he brought his eyes to Hermione and smiled warmly to her. Given his past, his fancy for Cho and being rejected in a sense for Cedric, Harry was a bit hurt yet at the current time? He wasn't really certain he was fancying Cho all that much as he had in the past. Sure he had an opening with Cho now but, was he really wanting a relationship? With how troubled his life was at the current time, the boy wasn't even sure he should be questioning himself about such a topic. To his relief the tea and food were brought, that was enough to snap Harry out of his momentary thought. After his first sip of tea, and bite of a sweet cake the green eyed Gryffindor gave a sigh of relief as he rested back in his chair, his mind finally able to relax wholeheartedly as a relaxed essence washed over him. It seemed that was the key to get the two to calm down with such an atmosphere around them. It also was noted that Hermione was speaking, something the two hadn't done since before they entered the shop. She went on talking about the school being painted pink "Oh Merlin's beard… I hope that doesn't happen. With the school being mostly empty during the Holidays, I see Umbridge attempting that to pass the time with hardly any students around to torture, that treacherous woman." he gave a slight huff of annoyance yet noticed Hermione's grin and gave her a smile, his mood calming in that instant. Taking in what she said about Voldemort, the club and actually coming up with a name. Harry's brows raised as he looked to her 'It really does seem like you've put in quite a bit of thought into this, yeah?" a grin crept upon his lips as he filled his cup of tea up, having finished it during her ramble of information. "Dumbledore's Army, I do like that, very much actually, it's brilliant" his grin only became broader at the thought. Their time in Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop had ended the two entering Honeydukes to get sweets, Harry immediately insisting on paying for all of their treats in a way as a thank you for inviting him as well as allowing him to stay at her place for the holidays. On their way back, arm in arm Harry heard her words and as they walked the attack from before in the muggle world emerged from the crevices of his mind yet hearing her final words the boy lowered his gaze to his brown eyes friend and gave a nod "I will, and it's not really easy to do it the first time few times because it takes loads of focus and tuning in with that one very special, very happy memory in order for the conjuring to be successful" He'd lifted his gaze to their surrounding but soon brought it back down to Hermione as he smiled to her "You're not alone in this and neither am I. We have each other as it's always been since our previous years" well more like their third year just the two of them but in all honesty, Hermione was always there for him and Harry was ever so grateful he only wished he could truly show her or tell her how grateful he was to have her in his life. She was truly an amazingly brilliant witch and he cared for her more than he himself knew.