Kyzerin did not usually follow orders from guards, but considering the current circumstances he decided it was probably best he listened. He looked over the battle, trying to formulate a plan to get to the chapel unscathed, but when no opportunity presented itself he charged into the battle wildly. He saw someone citizens being cut down by a dremora, and he was about to rush to their aid when a flame atronach glided towards him. An fireball sailed towards Kyzerin, directed at his head, and only narrowly missing, searing the end of his fur as it passed. He mustered up an ice spike, grunting with effort as he blasted it towards the atronach, but it gracefully moved to the side. It shot forwards, swiping at his head as it passed and knocking him to the ground. He felt blood run from his fresh cut and he growled angrily as he rose. This time he was ready, and as it shot past he ducked beneath it's arm and swung at it's head, connecting with it and bringing the atronach to a stop. He took a second to catch his breath, and a moment later the atronaches body exploded in a torrent of fire, sending Kyzerin a few meters back. His body ached and he cursed his stupidity, forgetting an atronach body explodes after death could have been fatal. He struggled to his feet, pain flaring in his right leg, and starting limping around the chaos of the battle towards the chapel, which was relatively untouched by the fighting. In all the confusion no-one noticed the big khajiit sneaking around the destruction, and so he made it to the chapel doors without any more drama. He threw open the great doors leading into the chapel, and considered saving himself and locking the doors, but he had seen the other fighters in action, and doubted an old wooden door would keep them out. Besides, making some friends could help him in the long run, and so he instead he began to usher the scared townspeople in inside.