Ren nodded his head, he knew he was not an idiot. The instructor never said where to meet, but he didn't care. The small brat was just a stepping stone he would walk all over to get to where he needed to be. He walked into the locker room and headed to his locker at the end. inputting the combination and opening it up his suit was there. Removing his clothes the some scars could be seen on his back. Hes always training his body and physical training is what he loved the most. After suiting up he closed his locker and took a deep breath closed his eyes then opened them. "Time for some real training." Ren walked out of the locker rooms and back into the gym. He waited for the instructor to return to give more instructions. He started to think about everyone who was here with him. The little girl was rude, there was a pink hair girl who seemed very hyper active. There was the guy who was always looking in some book like it was his life. Then he just stopped thinking about it, he wondered if he was the only normal one here. Surely there had to be someone who was as serious about being here as he was. "Going to be a long Training day," He said to himself as he sighed.