Aiden turned to the feminine voice he would rarely hear. It was Jyoti, looking away as she spoke. He turned back to the mecha, trying to find something with his rifle slung across his back. "Skull found something," he said. "I'm looking for a way to activate it. If I could just find a way to open the hatch..." He frustratedly knocked on what seemed to be a small sliding door. "He's right, you know." Said another voice, which he identified to be one of the other engineers. He immaturely imitated her yet quietly, "He's right you know." "The cave would collapse immidiately. I'm sure we can think of something though...." He turned to them, his feet set on one of its joints and with his arm clinging onto what seemed to be an important yet sturdy pipe. "I'm just gonna open it up," he said. "If it was that important for the cave to stand, I think we'd notice it earlier." Though they did have a point. Even if the entire cave didn't collapse, if the mecha was buried and he was buried with it... He shuddered at the thought and looked up towards where the mecha was holding it up. "It must be pretty strong to hold something like this. And it looks like it was made for battle," he said, pointing at the gun on its arm. "Perhaps we could build something to support the roof for when we pull this thing out. Even if we just use the rails and the broken down train, we could do that pretty easily. That way, I'd be--" He paused and coughed. "Um... [i]We'd[/i] be able to inspect it a bit more."