The halberd stabs through the goblin clean and gives Yobi a rather disturbing sight of seeing a skewered Goblin right in her face. Still, people would say better it was skewered then attacking her. With a few shakes and a toss, the goblin corpse flings off and lands on the ground harmlessly. The Goblin near Silver tries to attack Silver with it's blade, but not only did it's over-eagerness cause it to miss, but it shifted it's weight around to cause it's big head to throw it off balance and hit the ground! It gets back up, but it looks slightly out of it and wobbling slightly. Roan however is not so lucky. The growling of the Goblin Dog turns towards him with a fierce growl. Baring it's teeth, it pounces onto Roan and delivers a hard, deep bite on his side! What's worse, it holds on for a god long while, letting it's jagged teeth go in deep in his gut, shaking him around a fair bit and letting him down on the ground. It seemed poised to attack again and Roan might not be able to handle another attack like that! ((Goblin 4 is dead! Goblin 6 makes a Critical Fumble! Roan takes 8 damage and must Roll a Fortitude Save! Rissi is now up!))