It's a little sad, thinking about the little lives being torn apart. Anges was a French tomboy farm girl. She'd always been on the butchier side, and when France was called to fight the Prussians to keep Alsace-Lorraine in France, she snuck out, disguised herself as a boy, and ran to the nearest recruiting station. If they had any suspicions, they didn't act on them. After receiving only the basics of military discipline, she and her regiment were sent to scout an area where Prussians were apparently spotted. As they're tromping up and down the French countryside, they come to the top of a hill. Suddenly, bullets fly from every direction. A kid in the regiment falls over. The lieutenant barks to duck, but Anges isn't retreating. She uses the hill for cover, and gets in a few shots, but the Prussian men aren't like the rabbits back home. She spends too long peaking over the hill's top before a crackshot blows a hole in her skull. She even didn't have time for a last thought.