Jade laughed as she took pictures with her group of friends, making weird faces and randomly taking quick snaps of them while they were unaware. "Why is the plane moving so much?" Jade turned to Derek who was sitting next to her and slunk into her seat, putting her phone away. "It's turbulence. Don't worry. We still have a while longer, so I'm gonna take a nap." Jade nodded as Derek put his earbuds back in and she decided to do the same. She was barely putting in her headphones when she heard someone mention smoke. "What?" Jades head snapped up and she quickly looked out the window, her eyes widening. "Derek....." She turned and shook his arm, but before he could even ask what, the screaming began. Not even a minute after, the plane plummeted down towards what seemed like everyone's death. Jade screamed as tears streamed down her face, her heart pounding so fast she thought it was going to jump out of her chest. Derek helped her put her yellow mask on but he didn't put his. As they neared the water, Derek stood up, fighting against gravity to reach the emergency exit. Panicking, Jade did the same, making her way after him. "Hold on.... Not yet..... In 3.....2...... Now!!!" Derek quickly kicked the door open and grabbed Jade, the suction of the air throwing them out of the plane and sending them crashing into the water. [I]'Water'[/I] Jades eyes opened wide while underwater. Derek's grip on her was long gone and she began to panic once more. She immediately surfaced and gasped for air, the sound of the plane crashing into the water replaying in her head. "Derek?! Derek!!!!" Jade screams came out shrill and high pitched, the outcome of panic and fear. She caught a glimpse of trees not far off and she began swimming towards in, hoping to find someone there. ------------------------------------------ Jade crawled onto the island, her breathing labored after swimming against the current. She began to sob and collapsed into the sand, the sound of waves crashing and seagulls calming her down after a few minutes. After she had rested for a brief moment, she stood up, looking down at her wet clothes. She frowned and took off her back pack and shrugged off her hoodie, walking over to the nearest tree and hanging it off the lowest branch. "Jade!!" "Derek?!" She turned quickly and gasped as she saw her friend crawl out of the water, a gash across his forehead. "Oh my god." She ran to him, falling on to her knees and letting him rest. "Here, let me help." She let him rest his head on her lap as she store the bottom part of her blouse, wringing it out and placing it on the gash. "It's not much but it will stop the bleeding....." She looked around the beach, hoping to find any other survivor.