Snapping awake, yet again, much to Jeremy's tangent. Sighing and perking up to listen to these adults who looked like the nurse and the doctors. Jeremy looks over Sonya and notices that she's in her own world again. [b]"Good morning everyone. I am Hikaru Ami, and I am your school's Nurse. Please call me Nurse Ami, I am here to represent the school's doctor. He is running late because he has to take care of a few things in one of the local hospitals."[/b] said the lady the looked like a nurse. "So this is happening, school nurse gotta introduce herself huh" he thought to himself, then hearing a knock on a door, a tall lanky man who looked like a doctor. [b]"Hello class. My name is Itsuki Taki, and you can call me Dr. Itsuki. I will be here on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. However, Nurse Ami will always be present. If any of you feel sick, or have any injuries that need to be treated, you are free to come and visit us in the infirmary. Currently, we are on the third floor. The infirmary is located one floor below, which is the second floor."[/b] As he was introducing yourself Mr. Tadashi wrote something on the board: [i]Assignment: Due tomorrow during homeroom period On a short bond paper, write an essay about your summer vacation. Write a minimum of 20 sentences. You can pick any title for your essay.[/i] Hearing small Sighs and groans, he let out a soft sigh. "Damnit, 20 sentences?" he whispers. As absent minded as he is, he let his thoughts wander and then heard the school bell ring. [i]"This will be your assignment. And with that, class is dismissed. Enjoy your recess break. Please return to the classroom by 9:45, which is fifteen minutes from now."[/i] Getting up and stretching he sees Sonya walking rather weirdly to the door, letting out a short giggle, he then also decides to walk out the door but then asks himself. "Wait what do we do now?"