[quote=Stefan0620] I'll take suggestions on edits, I know its kinda weak in some places. [/quote] Overall it will receive a passing rating with my only commentary just being small notes on the world and one addition I would like to see: [list][*]Occupational Status: For this, any false yet realistic sounding option is fine; you can infer which corporation, company or group its meant to symbolize based on how it operates. For example, you could make it a passing "Target" and simply call it "Mark's" for a two-fold nod to reality. Short of that, no issue.[/*] [*]Alternate Physical Description: The picture's fine - it is more just my request that people avoid, unless absolutely left with no good means of description, that one is used. No issue here.[/*] [*]Background: It isn't inferred that Jacob Schmidt has, to any extent, caused some sort of action which he need essentially "repent" for. He just seems unlucky but surviving - my advice is making his werewolf form more... questionable, I suppose. It could all very much be that he did no such thing (harming, killing, maiming or wronging a person), but inferred that he [i]might[/i] have; something as simple as blood on his muzzle and no body present. He could also be responsible for some other tragedy, error, or chance of fate; something as simple as surviving a car accident and being too shocked to react as another vehicle went up in flames, instead of taking some sort of "heroic effort" to save the day. This is more a character motivator - a reason why this individual feels a drive to fight against that which is truly evil or wrong in the world. This is the only issue I see need be filled to meet with the mandate.[/*] [*]Recent History: The location will be determined (within the continental United States) randomly upon game initiation by the dice. The dice I'm utilizing have a random table, which is more or less designed to replicate "chance", however predictable dice actually can be. No issue present here.[/*][/list]