Jyoti scanned the surrounding rocks and walls encasing the mechs. The gears in her head began to turn, fast and faster she devised a plan. It was like a guilty pleasure for Jyoti, solving problems and creating solutions. Jyoti reached inside her lab coat, pulling out her electro fiber cord. She began to wrap the fiber around hanging pipes, "If we make a pulley, maybe we can do this without the tunnel collapsing at all..." Jyoti grabbed a nearby two-by-four, it was a little bit rusty but with further examination she determined to be strong enough to hold. With posts outside the hole to root the cord into place, Jyoti tested her structure by pulling out a sizable rock from the fallen wall. There was silence other than the sound of breathing and that meant progress. "Ok we need to make this fast. I'm under the assumption that past the frontmost part, there's an empty space rather than just mechs buried under rocks.." Jyoti removed another rock, causing several other stones to slide out of their possitions, but otherwise her structure seemed to be pulling through, for now...