Ellie slowly sits up, sheets falling off of her as she groggily looks around. Her head felt like she had gotten the shit kicked out of her... Horrible cottonmouth causing her to smack her tongue repeatedly as she tries to figure out what was going on... It was pretty obvious she was in a bedroom of some sort... Clothes scattered over the floor, a few bookshelves, a dresser It wasn't her tent back at the mormon fort, which brought up the questions -How the fuck did I get here?- Although the room seemed pretty run down, it seemed whoever lived here at least tried to maintain it and they seemed to have rather odd tastes. The jukebox in the corner was, thankfully, silent and there was a pool table over in the one corner. Why the hell would somebody have a POOL TABLE in their bedroom? Every detail made this seem like even more of a fuck up. The mattress she was laying on felt ancient, even though the sheets were actually pretty nice. She could feel almost every spring in it stabbing into her bare ass... Wait... Bare ass? She looks adown at herself and frowns. "The fuck did I do.." she grumbles as she realizes she was missing her clothes... Which of course is never a good thing when she can't remember the night before. Sighing she stands, not even bothering to cover up and instantly regrets the decision. Fireworks go off in her head as she stumbles, clutching at her head "ttssssss.... FUCK" she hisses as she rubs her temples, "How much did I drink last night?" she wonders out loud as she tries to blink the spots out of her eyes. Her entire body was sore, she wasn't sure if that was from the booze that she could now smell practically radiating off of herself or the questionable acts she assumes had happened last night... Waking up naked in some strange bedroom... something obviously had happened. A half-assed grin cracks across her face as she sees her holster sitting beside the bed. Even completely shit faced she still knew what she was doing. After picking up her weapon she limps around the room, slowly picking her way through the piles of old clothing, collecting the pieces that belonged to her. "Well well, look who's awake." A soft voice laughs from the doorway, "You sure were impressive" With a roll of her eyes Ellie glances at the door, "I'm better sober..." she grunts at the blonde in the doorway, "Where the fuck am I and what did I do?" The woman giggles as she steps it "You're in the home of The Kings." she explains as she sprawls out on the bed, "And you did a LOT." she teases, "Must say it was a fuuuun night and you're welcome back aaany time you want." she says with a grin and a wink. "The King really enjoyed your company, and you have one hell of a singing voice too." Ellie just rolled her eyes as she picked up the last of her clothes, "You guys have running water?" she asks, the girl nodded, "Where's your bathroom?" "Right down the hall and to the left" And with that Ellie just walked right out. ---- After a quick shower she got dressed and hauled ass, stealing a pair of sunglasses on her way out. A quick inventory showed she had everything from the night before... but she was a little light on her personal caps... She had never gotten around to counting the stolen cap pouch, and it was still tucked in an inside pocket of her coat... Her personal pouch only had about 275 caps left in it.. The fuck did she waste over 100 caps on? ah well... didn't really matter... She could always skimp an extra hundred off of the change from the supplies fund... With a sigh, she just set off. Her first stop that morning was the little odds and ends shop near Freeside's East gate. She grabbed some odds and ends she was missing from her med kit (Braces, extra tubing, etc. etc.) and a jet black baseball cap. Her second stop was a quick run over to the mormon fort, tying up some loose ends, thanking Julie and throwing a hundred caps from the supply funds to her as a thank you before heading off. She made two more stops before heading to the meeting place, one at the Gun Runner's facility to get some more ammo, the other at the New Vegas Medical Clinic to stock up on Med-X, Stimpacks, and a couple boxes of Fixer just in case. Just as the sun began to near it's peak in the sky Ellie finally arrived at H&H, and the first thing she noticed, was that fucking cowboy-bot. "Well howdy partner! Yer' right on time! Was kinda gettin worried you wouldn't make it. Just go ahead and head on inside."