THE FINAL FOUR! Created by Badyoyo, to be played by Saccharin: [Hider=Richard]Name: Richard Trees Age: 16 Grade: 11th Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: He is intelligent and cunning. (To make up for his appearance) He hates everyone he knows, anyone he would be nice to, he'd mostly use for his personal gain. (If he can't prove a lover, he might as well prove a villain) He actually is a really funny guy, he'd be a great stand up comedian if only he didn't have that hideous face and body and hair. History: Richard was born with this hideous face. And of course he was isolated by his young friends for the way he looked. Not even dogs liked him, they'd bark when he passes by them. Since he had no friends or social status to keep up, he allowed himself to be free with his inner ugliness. He grew fat, he washed his hair with sour milk, he wore whatever clothes he wanted to school. He didn't care. But while he was isolated, he also studied up his books and became extremely intelligent for his age. With his intelligence he learned the ways of people's behaviors and how they will react to certain situations. With his knowledge Richard proved to actually be pretty cool and funny guy towards some of the students. (The other Switchville characters) But in reality, he's plotting his revenge on the world that despises him. (Which actually isn't true, his friends genuinely care for him,) Skills: (What are they good at? This can mean classes they are good or bad at, hobbies they have, things like that.) Very intelligent, Ivy League Level He's a blogger that talks about his life story and how he'll revenge it. (He never shows it to his friends) He's excellent in all his classes, even Phys Ed. (Not on any teams however) He's Treasurer of the Student Government Very good Actor. Can forge any signature. Does an occasional sermon for his church. Other Details: Single, (Duh) Straight, Horrendous Sense of Fashion, Keeps a hand gun in a small chest in his room. (He almost used it to kill himself, but decided to keep it instead.)[/Hider] Created by Saccharin, to be played by Badyoyo: [Hider=Gabriel]Name: Gabriel De Rege Age: 18 Grade: 12th grade Appearance: [img][/img] But more tanned than that. Sometimes on weekends and such he doesn’t shave all the way. Personality: Assertive, To-the-point, sometimes even a little bit too bold. He is just a little fussy about order, but he can tolerate unproblematic messes – what he doesn’t like are lackluster characters, wishy-washy speech and operational disorganization. He is knowledgeable in practical things and schoolwork information but doesn’t do a lot of extracurricular research on his own if he doesn’t have to. Sticks to his own concept of “honor”, but not afraid to gang up on people for benefit. Although he has great initiative and leadership, Gabriel is more authoritarian than charming. His lips are almost always slightly too tight together. He’s quite the angry youth, although being not very introspective he doesn’t identify as such. History: Gabriel De Rege was born to a very devout mother who encouraged him to join the school choir, and a father that was always on business trips far away. He was an impulsive child, and adventuresome in his neighborhood, but through his mother’s overprotective strictness he understood, vaguely, the importance of education. As he grew up he was a walking oxymoron, being the best but naughtiest student in primary school, adopting a lone wolf persona during middle school. In High school now he is one of the most prized members of the school choir, a student with good grades - one of those guys who aren’t really friends with anybody but who are well acquainted with everyone, and respected as such. He is not very good at sports despite his physical strength (Gabriel doesn’t have enough balance and spatial intuition), but he acts like the scary jock nevertheless. It sure is a sight to see a choir boy beat up an underclassman for looking at him funny. Skills: Good memory, excellent voice. He is particularly talented in organizing and putting stuff in alphabetical order. He doesn’t have to sing the alphabet song each time. Other Details: He wears nice clothing because his mother does 80% of his shopping, so not a whole lot of graphic tank tops and OBEY caps. He looks more like a guy going to a job interview than a teenager. [/Hider] Created by 22Ice22, to be played by Amaranth: [Hider=Tristan]Name: Tristan James Kant Age: 15 Grade: Sophomore Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: -Hardworking -Studious -Irritable -Self-reliant -Easily pressured -Impatient History: Tristan is from a less than wealthy family. The only form of income comes from his highschool dropout father's disability check, and any odd jobs Tristan can pick up. Most of the money that is brought in to the household is spent on his mother. His mother has several different medical problems. The cost of the medicines and doctor visits are the main finacial drag upon them, followed by his father's alcohol and pain pill addictions. In his grade Tristan is one of the top students in academics. His motivation to achieve academic goals is the fear of becoming like his father. Despite a busy life with work outside of school, Tristan still manages to balance duties as the school council vice president. Skills: -Fast learner -Persuasive -Human calculator -A near eidetic memory Other Details: -Single -Heterosexual -Has a relatively limited social life out of school[/Hider] Created by Amaranth, to be played by 22Ice22: [Hider=Katherine]Name: Katherine LaVelle Age: 16 Grade: Junior, 11th Grade Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: - Quiet but not shy, becomes talkative around friends - Likes to chime in with the occasional witty remark - Confident in herself - Can occasionally showboat - Hates loud/obnoxious people - Can be elitist and excluding at times - Prideful - Lots consider her to be an ice queen History: Considered to be the de facto leader of her tight knit group of friends who rarely except others into their circle. They are really the only ones to get Kat (as she is called by those who know her well) to open up. She has practically lived in the town her whole life and knows lots of the people, but something caused her family to move away for a few years in Middle School but she came back at the beginning of High School to take her place as reigning queen (or so it's joked). A lot of guys have tried to crack her icy exterior but none have really succeeded. That said, she doesn't really shoot them down so much as she wears them down with lack of response and warmth. Her parents are pretty easygoing but she holds herself to strict standards of keeping her grades up and herself out of trouble. She still loves to party and hang out with friends, but don't expect her to be any warmer than she is during school. Skills: - Quick learner - Decent at all subjects - Can sing well - Very socially aware Other Details: Heterosexual (has leanings sometimes), not very materalistic, single, loves to vary her style as extremely as possible (IE super grunge/punk one day and the next super bubblegum), loves cats and hates dogs (is scared of them but won't admit it due to her pride)[/Hider]