Except Arty doesn't get thrown. He latches on and burns the heck out of you. ;) Couple things in regards to the new stats. 1. The cloning. I'm not really comfortable with this power, since it has no drawbacks and essentially makes you twice as powerful every time you use it, and can be used over and over to create an army of yourself. Barring some drastic limitations being added to that specific power, I can't see it fitting into the same level as the rest of the characters. A decoy duplicate with a cooldown period would be fine, but as it is every clone would also have all of the originals other abilities too. 2. Electrical attack. Is he a shapeshifter or an energy manipulator? It's conceivable that he could partially insulate his nervous system (to avoid damaging himself) and vibrate his molecules in some fashion to generate enough static electricity to shock someone, but without energy manipulation as a power he wouldn't be able to actually control that electricity. It would be discharged into the first grounded object he touched. And the five to ten mile through the ground thing is way too high. Arty's main power is electricity manipulation, and even he can't manage anywhere close to a mile through the air, much less the ground. And again, you'd have to be able to actually control the electricity itself in order to prevent it from simply dispersing into the ground instead of seeking out your target, even at a distance of a couple feet. So basically what I'm saying is that as a shapeshifter, generating enough static shock to cause pain and temporary paralysis is fine, but it has to discharge into the first grounded thing you touch (even if that's not your intended target) and using it through the ground as a ranged attack is a no go. 3. The dash. How fast is the dash? 4. Earthquake. Just keep in mind this isn't an auto-dodge. If your opponent is in midair, for instance, it wouldn't do anything to alter their attack (and even if they're not, they may still be able to find a way to cope with it while continuing their attack). 5. The wind clap. Another thing to just keep in mind. Its ability to deflect a projectile will depend on the projectile. A low power fireball? Sure. A bullet? Nope. The amount of wind that would have to be involved to noticeably affect a bullet or similar projectile over that short a distance is way beyond the level of our characters to create.