The word [i]idiot[/i] ringed in the ear of Augustus, he tried to prevent himself from reaching out and prove his might, however she was correct, it was pathetic how someone of his caliber could forget where they gathered for their piloting lessons, nonetheless he didn't show his dislike for himself on the outside, he stood silent and proudly, turning around with a ''Ma'am'' when they were dismissed to the piloting suit changing rooms. The men and women started off in a spear like formation, all hoarding and lining up, splitting up in the final stretch to go to their gender specified changing rooms. Augustus rather stuck out from the line entirely, finding a gap in the entry line to the mens changing room and easily entered. Once inside the not surprisingly massive changing room he spotted his locker in almost an instant, not only because his name started with an A but because it looked much too different than anyone elses, as it housed the only piloting suit which could endure the brunt of the MF0017 series' force to an acceptable extent. The HawX Dynamo special manufactured storing unit had to be installed instead of a changing locker. It had the marvelous Steel Hawk logo of the HawX Dynamo corporation, printed in such a way that it covered almost the entire storage door. He opened it with a finger scanner and certain contraptions spun around allowing an easy entry only by drawing the door up, making it fold on itself inside the storage unit itself. At first he saw the initial suit, a black and red spectral model made by HawX, it was the standard base for the B.A.I. suit system. He had already recieved some training, therefore unlike many others he didn't have much problems after taking off his clothes and putting on the Spectral suit model. Then, after opening another mechanism four modules were shown to him, he picked them up one by one and put them onto their specified positions. Two on the back, one on the torso and another one on the lower spine. Then there was the armor addons, he decided to equipp them too, couldn't be too careful when you had great plans for the future. After a couple good minutes fiddling with the many armor addons he was finally done. Finding himself being one of the only people in the mens changing room he smirked. Putting on the B.A.I. suit system was a horrible fiddle, time draining. Finally he picked up the Armored Headmounted Assistant Unit, basically a large, armored helmet which covered his entire head which would help him perform the MF0017-MX ULTR to the utmost ability. He swung the A.H.A.U. under his arm and walked out of the changing room and went over to the designated waiting point and awaited his instructors arrival. His appearence was not of the faint of heart, covered in the MF combat suit made by HawX Dynamo he would look as if he was ready for war, many might think that this type of suit was noneffective in the average MF and they'd be correct, these suits only function on the MF0017 models, but they function with an outlandish ability thanks to the B.A.I. system. Augustus would look over his comrades and evaluate them with his most probable answers based on their behaviour and appearence, amongst other factors, then he would make a mind map based on anything inbetween the hardest and weakest opponents, excluding himself. The suit itself was yet another proud bearer of the HawX Dynamo steel hawk logo, under it is the name 'MF0017-MX ULTR' and below that is the name 'Emperor'. Then on the suits right upper torso armour addon was the name 'Overlord' and below that was some sort of emblem. HawX Dynamo had a public appearence of that of a private military company, whilst serving the need of the UEG they like to glorify their test pilots as elite. Not only that but a mysterious teenager who's lost his father in the conflicts of outer space and beyond, only that sounds very mysterious, and it's a crowd gatherer for the HawX Dynamo: Arms division. And it worked to a large extent in their previous victory, now only to win this one too, the contest between the MF0017 series and the equivilant of a world of other MF series. A new age was dawning for Augustus, and as a poetic soul, he intended to make the most of it, and live to tell the tale. This would be the first stepping stone and the first obstacle, he would crush the stone and the obstacle in half, cementing the rightful place which HawX Dynamo should hold.