Nina spun around at the sound of another voice, a jolt of anxiety coursing through her. After eyeing the man for a moment, however, she calmed a bit, frowning and putting her hands on her hips. There was a confused expression in her face. "Um... May I ask since when? It's not fenced off and there are no signs. At least not that I saw." Her japanese was nothing like that mans, a little more shaky and it was clear she wasn't yet fluent in it, but she spoke with a certain level of confidence (whether it was forced or not was a mystery). While she spoke Nina went about gathering her things. It was clear she wasn't going to oppose the man but she wasn't afraid to voice her curiosity and perhaps her annoyance. Meanwhile Shu-shu had busied herself sniffing at Rei's hand. Perhaps she could smell the crepe he was holding before but after a moment she gave his finger a little nibble. Not hard but certainly hard enough to startle a person at the least.