[i]“There is only one man we can count on, and he is the one closest to the baron himself. The advisor, Ruvelle, is obedient and loyal to us." [/i]Lucius began, immediately drawing Evelyn's interest. She recognized that name, understanding exactly how key Ruvelle could be to their plan. Lucius continued to discuss possible paths into the city, but for the castle they'd need another way. The only idea that seemed to stick was using Ruvelle to get into the castle and it's treasury.  When Lucius looked to her for an opinion, she didn't skip a beat. [b]"So under no circumstances is Ruvelle's assistance in this matter be made known to any man in Marceilles. He's a powerful piece indeed if they are truly as close as you say.  "We would need to agree on a time and door for him to open, but there's still a risk factor in him becoming discovered in the time the thieves are within Marceilles. They'll have to sneak, stick to the shadows. That way if they encounter any persons along the way it's just Ruvelle walking the corridors, 'unable to sleep.' No one should know anything's amiss until the heist is well finished. Or at least until they empty the treasury." [/b] Evelyn took a long sip from her wine glass, amusement in her eyes as Lucius went on a tangent of mice and kings. His opinion was similar to hers, those with money had power. [i]"Baron Agravaine’s wealth is declining. With this heist, our liege will be more than pleased to show the foolish baron what becomes of those who hold onto chivalry in Ravenfell."[/i] In her puzzlement over transporting Agravaine's wealth, Lucius proposed a solution that Evelyn almost felt good about. She saw the sudden insight behind his eyes, the satisfaction of a plan piecing together.[i] "I would wager my ridiculous wealth of trinkets that there would be a sally port in the castle, not for troops, but for fleeing civilians. And fleeing civilians would no doubt find it easier to carry their belongings with the aid of carts.”[/i] [b]"Then we may need to verify the locations of these carts and ports."[/b] Evelyn smiled, clapping her hands thrice. [b]"Mm, I love the sound of a scheme coming together. I'm terribly excited, probably too much for my own good."[/b] Curiosity was written in every facet of Lucius' demeanor. [i]“Oh, but who were you thinking of sending to commit this dastardly deed?” [/i] [b]"That's actually something I wanted to discuss with you, my lord. I have a few excellent thieves I know would kill for the job, but I was wondering if you wanted to invite one of your people for the heist. Divines know their talents accomplish more together.  "There's an Elven vampire amidst the ranks in the Guild named Tsu'tey Galaos. His thievery and stealth skills are talk of legend, he's quick with a bow, and I think he's exactly what we need for this heist.  "Of course, I know of a Breton who would be all over robbing a castle, and would consider it child's play. He's an expert in illusion magic, using it to run circles around his victims -- sometimes literally. Rahard Gemerth, a man who truly loves his work and is also a piece to consider."[/b] Evelyn listed off thoughtfully, savoring the taste of ambrosia in her mouth. The wine warmed her body and brought a pleasant heaviness to her head. The image of a glowing fireplace in the home of her childhood was all she could compare it to. [b]"I hate to bring up the court after we've spent all evening there, but there's one final topic of interest I have for you, my lord." [/b]Evelyn said, leaning forward. [b]"It has to do with our... Newest addition. As I assumed you spoke with her earlier, did you learn anything?"[/b]