Hello there WWW! 2-4 paragraphs and your general activity is fine with me. Let's see, for GoT I would be interested in Tyrion x Sansa as I did start shipping them prior to the "twist" of their betrothal. And with proper development, Sansa could mesh well with Tyrion. Now for LoK, I have yet to finish season two's finale since I became a little bored and have yet to check out season three though I intend to later in the year during some academic downtime. So we'd need to do something in season two or perhaps one, depending on what tone and tweaking we would do. I'm interested in either pair equally at the moment. I don't think it's possible to like HP too much. In terms of portraying either Snape or Lupin, did you have an idea in mind? I know different writers have different inflections for canons and I was curious if you had any ideas based on the pair with Hermione. Does that make sense, sorta?