Skull glanced at the three... Mostly he hated being with other humans, but something behind the front mecha's had caught his eyes, his slim body could slip trough and then perhaps... Skull ran towards the Mecha's and pushed Aiden away from the Mecha's, as he flinched himself trough the small gap between the first few Mecha's. With a small gap, just enough to fit his body trough, he made his way behind the Mecha's, where he found enough room to atleast stand... A dark face was glancing at him, created from metal... It was marvelous... And he would claim it! He moved his hand across it, as he pushed a small button by accident, the front opened up, and Skull moved a bit back, having his back against the other Mecha's he just passed... A rock also fell down, just besides Skull. He grinned, as he then moved back forward, in front of him, he noticed how the Mecha's face moved a bit to the side, and some kind of hatch had opened, showing a dark black and red seat. Skull moved towards the seat, sat down and out of nowhere the hatch closed, leaving Skull inside a small chambed... Just enough room to move his body around. With a mere glance, Skull saw a strange button with a skull ontop of it, he wondered what it was, and pushed it... With mere seconds, the dark room lighted up [b][i]"New User.... State name!"[/b][/i] Skull glanced around, as he then noticed the screen infront of him, lighting up and showing his surroundings. [b]"Skull Carter"[/b] [b][i]"New User Approved... Skull Carter... Welcome, my name is Darkrai.[/b][/i] Skull glanced at the handles infront of him, as he started to move his hands towards them, and as he moved one of the handles, he noticed the arm of the mecha moved... Skull placed both hands ontop of the rocks, making sure they were stable and the other mecha's would be safe to remove even further. [b]"Guys... Although i hate to help you... Move those Mecha's now! The area is safe!"[/b] The sound of his voice, was different once it left the Mecha, almost bionical... Skull laughed a bit about this, as he kept the hands of the mecha at the the cealing, making sure it wouldn't collapse any futher...