[b]sasha shin, Phoenix Wing[/b] Sasha nodded, moving closer to examine the cuts as he cleaned them. She turned to ruffle through her bag, taking out a small jar of green cream. "I don't know what this stuff does, but it's amazing for cuts" she said, starting to smooth it over his injuries just before he bandaged them, just a little bit on each cut, before putting it away. "Well, I'm no doctor, but you should live" Sasha said with an easy smile, tucking the reward into her satchel, before securing it tight, she held it close. It wasn't just the reward she was afraid of loosing, he sketch pad was in there, and she couldn't loose that. "All in all, it wasn't a bad day" she said with amusement, "we completed the job, and we've got a new member too" She lay back down, looking up at the darkening sky. "We should sleep"