As Hei glanced from the rooftop, towards the place their mission would take place, he grinned behind his mask... He then pulled up his sleeve, looking at his watch, as he then pushed the small button on his headset, as he also changed the comm towards the HQ's frequence... [b]"Those who are at HQ, you have got 30 minutes to come to the cordinates Y 3.4, X 6.1. Those who will be later than 30 minutes, will have a severe punishment towards their team! So be warned!"[/b] Hei's voice sounded dark trough the comm, as he grinned behind his mask, he already knew what kind of punishment he would give them if they came too late. Hei glanced at a near building, wich was just 1000 meters away from the objective... Alice and him would move there once their mission would start, but before that they would wait on this exact place, untill it would truelly become interesting...