CABIN BOY, ANOTHER ROUND OF ORANGE ALE IF YA WOULD! [b]Name:[/b] Leonardo Barlow [b]Age:[/b] 12 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Half-ling [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Cabin Boy][img=] [/hider] [b]History:[/b] Not much of interest has happened in Leonard's life, save the death of his Guardian and only family, Archmage Barlow of Terentius. He passed when Leo was only 9, though for some reason Archmage Barlow entrusted him to Captain Noventius, believing that his boy needed to see the world beyond a library. He has been on the Tychon for 3 years, though he largely serves unimportant roles, often bringing food to the Chief Engineer, relaying messages, and researching. [b]Equipment:[/b] None, he's too young to wield a sword, and is a mediocre shot, but Lindow says he might have some potential. He often carries around books that he plans to pour over for research. [b]Magical Knowledge:[/b] His half-ling blood and training from an Archmage grants him a great deal of talent in the Arcane, but he is largely inexperienced due to his young age. On a good day he could shoot a fireball, albeit it would most likely not go the way intended. [b]Skills:[/b] He's got the gift of Magic in him, though he is very inexperienced. He is very intelligent for his age however, and sometimes helps with engineer related matters. He can also hide in small places due to how short he is. [b]Optional[/b]: He's rather proud of his heritage, and as such will not tolerate being called a "mutt" or a "knife-ear" from anybody. He's had to light a few crewmen's pants on fire...