Daisy groaned, planting her hands in the sand and pushing off to stand up. She was wobbly but on her feet. "Oh man, what the hell happened?" She knew the plane had crashed, but she still couldn't believe it. Scanning the beach from where she stood, she saw it was spotted with a few survivors. "Geez, it's hot." She attempted to take her hoodie off before a sudden shot of pain shot through her head, causing her to immediately crouch down in the sand, both hands on either side of her head. She let out a pained scream, closing her eyes tight and holding her head as if it were about to split apart. "Oh, God. What's wrong?" Luke exclaimed. He had no clue what to do and Daisy didn't answer him. He'd just saved this girl from a burning plane, he didn't want to see her die on the beach. "My head." Daisy cried. She opened her eyes, looking up at the boys face. Everything began to swirl, double, and mix together. It was making her dizzy and queasy. She just wanted this nightmare to be over. She wanted to be back at home with her mom, snuggled up on the couch and watching her favorite television show. But she couldn't. She was stranded on a beach in the middle of the ocean. "Stay with me." Luke gently removed her hands from the side of her head and held them in his. "What's your name? I'm Luke." He began to ask her questions to get her mind off of the pain. Listening carefully, he'd heard the girls name squeak from her lips. "Daisy? That's a pretty name. Where you from, Daisy?" She didn't answer. "I'm from Chicago." Luke sighed, frowning. He wasn't a doctor, he didn't know what to do to help Daisy. He knew she didn't have a cracked skull or anything too serious because if she did, she would've been dead by now from the loss of blood. Daisy felt a wave of nausea come over her and began to cough. "Luke." She said between coughs. He raised a brow, waiting for her to go on. "Move." She said quickly, pushing him out of the way, wrapping an arm around her stomach, and threw up. Her entire body ached and she hated the fact that she was such a mess in front of Luke. Plus, Luke was hot and which made Daisy feel embarrassed. "Is anyone here a doctor?" Luke called, not knowing to who because he had no idea how many people were on the island or if people would still show up. He didn't wait for a reply. He held Daisy's hair out of her face and rubbed her back until she was done. Luke kicked sand over the mess Daisy made and helped her up. "C'mon, let's move you to the shade." They began to walk towards a nearby tree where he would leave her to rest while.