Very willing to hear constructive criticism and take any advice. [b]Name:[/b] August Webber, 'Augie'. [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Age:[/b] Twenty. [b]Lineage:[/b] Caucasian, Shapeshifter. [b]Fate:[/b] Two remaining. One spent on supernatural abilities. The first being for the power of shapeshifting. The other two are to remain unused until a later date. [b]Relationship Status:[/b] Although she's been through a few relationships throughout her lifetime much like any other normal young woman, August is currently without a significant other and remains without a dedicated relationship. This is partly because of her distrust of most other people and partly because of her current occupation. [b]Occupational Status:[/b] Prostitute [b]Previous Occupations:[/b] Retail, Fast Food, Odd Jobs. [hider=Phsyical Description][b]Physical Description:[/b] Standing at 5'4" with a lean frame and small build, August is hardly at an intimidating stature. The woman was lacking in muscular structure and although she was mostly free of fat aside from a few pounds picked up from a sedentary lifestyle, August would also seem to have a very fragile form. However, she was free of any other issues and seemed to be mostly healthy. Soft, pale skin was mostly unblemished aside from a series of notable scars on her left arm reminiscent of deep animal bites and a crescent shaped scar on her stomach left behind by what was possibly a knife or blade. The scar on her stomach was also accompanied by a small tattoo right next to it, sitting on the edge of the moon like shape.The tattoo depicted a bird attempting to fly, made in black ink and left without details aside from the shackles around it's legs. Her hair was a barely tamed mess of dark, twisted, and braided dreadlocks, shook loose and hanging free most of the time. The strands ended just below her shoulders, nearly reaching to her chest. Although nappy in appearance, the overall condition of the hair is far above average and it seems that it is obviously well taken care off; August not only takes great pride in her hair but assigns personal grooming great importance in her life. Bright green eyes scanned their surroundings constantly, absorbing almost every detail possible in a scrutinizing fashion. However, they searched as if there was something specific being looked for. It seems that this frantic observation of surroundings never ceased unless the woman's eyes were closed. A single golden ring ran through a the septum of a nose that was slightly upturned at the end, the metal resting just above lips that bear the slightest hint of pout. A stud went through either ear, metallic ends flared with jade green orbs displayed on each side. Another stud with the same green orbs went through her tongue. One of the most interesting and more disturbing sights on the woman's body was the series of injection sights along both of her arms, known as 'track marks'. She was obviously injecting things into her arms on a regular basis.[/hider] [b]Alternate Physical Description:[/b] Dog, Cat, Bird, Etc... August can take on several forms and they seem to be almost randomly generated as none of the details are the same. For example, she may appear as a dog with brown fur with one shift and have black fur the next time, though the breed is usually similiar if not the same. [hider=Psychological Profile][b]Psychological Profile:[/b] August kept a mostly calm and quiet demeanor with the constant scrutinization of her surroundings being the only hint at her inner thought process to the casual observer. Those who might spend some time with her however would find a very unique individual with a very creative imagination. Still, those who truly got to know this woman would soon discover that beneath the purposeful facade was a crushed spirit. The woman's mind was wracked with paranoia. To her, everyone else in the world is a threat in some way. Every stranger on the street had something to hide even if they weren't guilty of intentional harm. She was slow to trust and even slower to make friends, considering she kept to herself as much as possible. Her feelings toward most people could even be viewed as malicious. She took some joy in watching others suffer, to a certain extent anyway. August wasn't a complete psychopath, she wouldn't even go out of the way to harm another person unless she had to. In fact, if there was a situation where someone was in danger, she might even feel the desire to help in what ever way she could. August saw a certain balance in things. She didn't feel the need to do good or have the desire to cause havoc in order to get what she wanted. August desired some semblance of a normal life much like the same members of society she despised. This desire gave her a sense of justice concerning the grand scheme of things and the need for order in the world. August tried to be humble, not putting herself above others and not thinking herself better than anyone else. This probably came from her poverty filled past, making her realize that how much you have doesn't matter in the end. This also made her feel some worthlessness however. She felt like she would always be struggling and that she was never in control.[/hider] [b]Vices:[/b] Drug usage. The drug of her choice and the one with the biggest impact was heroin because it made her feel a little happiness at the end of a long night and kept her very calm. She craves it more than anything else in the world though. Because of this, [hider=Background][b]Background:[/b] As long as anyone can remember there has always been tales of women with mystical powers and otherworldy gifts. In some cultures they were respected and perhaps even revered. In others they were seen as monsters, demons, or some other evil being disguised as human. Most know their kind as witches though few actually believe in them in this day and age. Not every story is a myth, however. There are some tales that are so old and widespread that they are muddled with false information and romanticised. The truth is buried behind lore and legend, made into folktale after years of retelling. One such story would be about the Witch of The Black Forest. The story goes that a witch has inhabited the Black Forest of Germany for centuries, long before the area was under the control of any civilization. When the first settlers of the region arrived, strange things occured. People would go missing on hunting trips or simply disappear from the local villages in the middle of the night. Some claim that they would hear the screams of children from behind the treeline though few dared to investigate. As the years went on the locals became more desperate to fine answers. Search parties and groups of adventurers organized to explore the forest and search for either the missing people or the thing that caused the disappearances. None of these people returned except for one, a young merchant named Hans who went with others to hopefully find his sister who had gone missing the year before. Hans explained that the forest was home to a beautiful woman who had a cabin hidden deep within the trees. He said that she was everything that a man could desire and more. Yet, the party he was with soon found that she wasn't Human. The beast hid behind the skin of a woman and when confronted by the party, she morphed into a monsterous form and killed everyone. Ever since then most people decided that it was best to ignore the information that Hans brought back. If they believed it, they thought that hunting the monster wasn't worth the trouble even if more people would disappear. As time went on some were brave enough to venture into the forest and search for the mysterious being though the disappearances slowed to a halt and the strange occurences came to an end. It wasn't until many years later that these things began to occur again. Although the original events had ceased to become common knowlege, there were a few who remembered tales that their great grand parents told of the demon. After the new disappearences went on for some time it seemed that the story would repeat itself. Hunters began scouring the forest for the source of this chaos, only to disappear without a trace as well. Another man would return, however. Like Hans many years ago, he described a woman who changed shape and slaughtered those he had accompanied into the forest. He had added some new information too. This man said that the beast could not only become Human but she also could turn into animals as well. He warned that she could be watching at any time. This pattern repeated itself over and over, eventually coming to an end in the late 1800's and leaving only stories behind. What was the truth, however? Well there was a woman who lived in the Black Forest in the very beginning. Unlike the one from the story, she simply kept to herself and wandered the forest. There was something different about her though. This woman could shapeshift, changing into the animals of the forest and living amongst them. Some people spotted the woman moving through the forest as they traveled or hunted and some even saw her shift into other forms. Thus began the story of the Witch of The Black Forest. Of course she wasn't immortal. Although she was gifted with strange powers, how did the tales last so long and repeat themselves? The men who had returned with information to their villages were to blame, in a way. When they sought out the witch they did indeed find a beautiful woman. Sometimes they were vile men who succumbed to the darkness in their minds, damning the others in their group when the witch shifted and defended herself, killing many before being defeated by the lone survivor. Others found a woman who was beautiful and charming, a woman who welcomed their company. Regardless, each man returned as an unknowing father. The mother being the infamous witch and the child would carry on the tradition. This is how the story continued and why it seemed that there was a long lived witch in the forest. The part about those going missing and children's screams? Just another detail added in to spice things up. Although the witches of the stories are long dead, their bloodline still remains in the world today and that is the reason some are born with strange powers that are unexplainable in the modern world. At least, that's what August's mother told her. August was raised by a single mother in the thick of New York in an apartment building that was falling apart and had little room. To keep up with bills, keep a roof over their head, and make sure they were well fed, August's mother did every scrap of work that she could. At the end of the day the only thing that gave her a sense of comfort was telling her daughter about the stories of the women of their family and why they held such an 'important' gift. This gift held no signifigance in this day and age however. Despite being born with something that some would worship in ancient times, it was more of a liability at this time. August learned early on that she should always try to hide this power because it would only lead to bad things. She even considered it a curse for much of her life. The fact that she had this ability but it came of no real use caused conflict in her mind. She and her mother were poverty stricken and poor, sometimes not even able to eat for days at a time when there was no work to be found. Though were supposed to be important people though, or so she thought. In the end it made no sense to her. During August's childhood she had very few friends. Occasionally she found someone who she had gotten close to but when August tried to share her deepest secret... her ability to shift into animals, they thought she was crazy or were scared off when she showed them. Luckily, nobody believed a child who said that they saw their friend turn into a wolf. A lack of friendship and companionship made August feel alienated for much of her life. She began to distrust others and after a certain point she started to purposely seperate herself from those around her. The only person who remained with her was her mother, who was almost always working. By the time August was in highschool she started using drugs to ease the pain of living in squalor and watching her mother suffer to provide. When August finally graduated her mother killed herself. Left on her own for the first time, August tried many different jobs in an attempt to find something that could help her live without struggle and enjoy herself. Instead she found that selling her body was much easier and brought much more profit. This only further pushed August from society and nudged her onto a darker path. Not only was she in a direction that she didn't want to go but she also thought it was far too late to turn back.[/hider] [hider=Recent History][b]Recent History:[/b] August still lives in New York in a small apartment at the lower side of Manhatten. Although she finds her powers to be mostly useless at this point in time, she can't help but shifting into an animal and exploring the city as a mouse or a bird. She finds the thrill to be an exciting part of her life and it helps give her some perspective. Most of the day she is asleep however. August's element is the night when she is truly alive. After the sun sets her work begins. The first needle of the night is followed by the first man and this goes on until the day breaks when she says goodbye to that lifestyle and lets the boredom consume her until she decides to shift again, stalking the alleyways with a pack of wild dogs or flying above skyscrapers with the birds. She can't help but feel that there is much more to life however. She wants more and she doesn't know how to get it. Worse, she doesn't know how to escape what she is already in. If she stops working, she won't be able to afford her apartment. She could find a real job but even then she knows it won't be enough without help. Most of all, she's afraid of becoming her mother... slaving away until she can't take it anymore. The thought of her ancestors haunts her every day. People with this gift were infamous, well known for their existince. Yet here August was just living night by night in hopes of eventually finding something better. Maybe she'll find it soon enough.[/hider]