Ignatius sat alone in his temporary apartment, rubbing his fingers along the red marks on his hand as he so often did lately. The life of a wandering pervert was fun, but lonely, after all. No matter, Iggy(an affection nickname he'd been given by many... friends, and had grown to like, despite being tired of always having to act like it was the first time he'd heard it) pulled his catalyst from a drawer at his bedside. He'd gone to great lengths to acquire this, a simple vial of water from a river somewhere far away from here. [i]Yeesh... This whole Grail thing better be worth it. I'd like to wish for some top-shelf poon.[/i] Iggy poured the small vial into a chalice he'd precariously set in the middle of a magic circle made to facilitate the summoning of a heroic spirit. "Welp, fuck it, here we go!" Ignatius channeled prana into the circle, activating it. [i]Let's spin the wheel and see what happens, then...[/i]