[b]Name:[/b] Dahlia Mavro [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Description/Appearance:[/b] Dahlia has shoulder length light brown hair that remains oddly straight. Her eyes are a dark grey and she has a medium complexion. She stands about 5'6" tall and sports a slender, average figure. Her clothes of preference are typically plain and loose fitting, though of incredible quality. [hider=Realistic Photo Reference][img=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/256/b/1/b10510242a0867bb3a7563a91268c9ac-d2ynkbk.jpg][/hider] [hider=Anime Photo Reference][img=http://www.gplusanime.com/img/event/girls-with-guns.jpg][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Self Centered. Goal Oriented. Manipulative. Brutally Honest. Narcissistic. Superiority Complex. [b]Bio:[/b] Dahlia is an orphan, and as such, grew up in an orphanage. It was run down and low class, two facts that enraged Dahlia every day. Just because she was an orphan does not mean that she should be subject to such lowly things! As she grew older, she began to manipulate the other orphans into doing their chores more effectively, leaving bathrooms cleaner and meals more sanitary. In short time, she was in charge of the Orphanage, and the women who fluttered from room to room, arranging meetings for possible adoptions knew better than to cross her. They feared her for the stories the other orphans told them and yet, respected her for her results all the same. On her 18th birthday, a representative of the Academy came to visit her and convinced her to come along as a Savant. She cautiously accepted with the condition that she work with their security, ensuring that she'd keep any stragglers inside of the Academy for as long as the Administration desired. [b]Group:[/b] Savant [b]Other (anything else you want to add):[/b] Unbeknownst to everyone else, Dahlia is actually surprisingly sensitive to the fact that she is an orphan, having developed her Superiority complex as a way to cope with the fact that know one wanted to adopt her and her real parents abandoned her. She will lash out if anyone brings up that she is an orphan and most likely weep about it at a later time. --- [b]Name:[/b] Rachael Nickels [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Description/Appearance:[/b] Rachael has flame bright hair and a lightly freckled complexion. Her eyes are a pale shade of blue and she normally keeps her skin unadulterated of makeup. She is slightly thin for her short 5'3" frame with only small feminine curves to her. Her clothing, though of average quality, are typically cutesy and girly in style. [hider=Realistic Photo Reference][img=http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/311/6/0/red_november_by_leeninek-d4ffp75.jpg][/hider] [hider=Anime/Art Photo Reference][img=https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS6MVxRBfITi3DIVBgA2Str3euci4qC5I6FCB2Thux9XAmH_IZshQ][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Kind. Cautious. Optimist. Altruistic. Athletic. [b]Bio:[/b] Rachael grew up near the Academy with her single mother. They lived an average life and Rachael did not live extravagantly, but had everything she needed. That was until her mother was murdered in an alleyway on her way home one night. From what the officers told her, it was a mugging gone bad. However, when the Academy representative came up to her, they told her the truth: Her mother owed money to some very important people and she couldn't pay them back in time. They in turn took one of the most valuable things they could from a women.... After a long moment of silence as Rachael let the words sink in, the man added that they would come looking for her next and that she would be safe in the Academy. She accepted without a second thought. [b]Group:[/b] Halcyon [b]Other (anything else you want to add):[/b] Nothing yet. --- [b]Name:[/b] Virginia "Ginny" Matthews [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Description/Appearance:[/b] [hider=Photo Reference][img=http://37.media.tumblr.com/52e27413869e591d0bb660c09d16140b/tumblr_mtwr5bDhnw1r4c4axo1_1280.jpg] [center]Additional Photos -- [url=http://37.media.tumblr.com/f867581b13a88c55f74598b624c63382/tumblr_mp9sxj6qc21r4c4axo1_500.jpg]•[/url] -- [url=http://37.media.tumblr.com/c34751ae76b7a22a113757c12c96ee8f/tumblr_mp9nfgDgbm1r4c4axo1_500.jpg]•[/url] -- [url=http://38.media.tumblr.com/fd444f17b9bbb3ac202a060d988eac57/tumblr_n2ujn9wZiF1r4c4axo1_500.jpg]•[/url] -- [url=http://37.media.tumblr.com/0c601d7d86dc5988abf29563dc6c8d56/tumblr_n0jjifzpFN1r4c4axo1_500.jpg]•[/url] -- [url=http://38.media.tumblr.com/ce0cb8b02858f0dc905dbe121b07ca3d/tumblr_n677nqoys61r4c4axo1_500.jpg]•[/url] --[/center] [indent]Photo Credit: [url=http://lillalexandras.tumblr.com/]Alexandra Axelina[/url] (I'm in ♥ with her face)[/indent][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Athletic. Foul Mouthed. Laid Back. Hard to Anger. Good Sense of Humor. Sadistic. Violent. [b]Bio:[/b] At a young age, Ginny was diagnosed with [url=http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition/waardenburg-syndrome]Waardenburg Syndrome[/url], causing her to suffer from mild hearing loss in her right ear and for her hair to turn prematurely white in patches. Not having any history about her mother who passed during childbirth, she grew up with her aunt, a hardworking woman turned prostitute in hard times. Growing tired of hearing the insults, Ginny began dying her hair at the age of 12, having stolen some of her aunts "paycheck" to do so. That night, she allowed her drunken and broken aunt to beat her for the first, and last time. Alessandra, her aunt, started to offer her niece to her clients when Ginny was about 16 years old. This backfired on her however as Ginny was able to show off her keen ability for hand to hand combat, resulting in a reduction of business for her aunt. After a loud and violent argument, Ginny packed her things and went on the run. She found refuge in an old man who happened to be the owner of a gym and began to teach her in the styles of boxing and kick boxing. After a year under his guidance, Ginny has since moved her violent focus only to when she is in combat instead of just lashing out randomly. However, Santiago arranged for to have a public fight and the police picked up on her name, arriving at the gym hours before the fight and arresting her. Alessandra had committed suicide and left a note, implying Ginny as the culprit. Unable to find any evidence or try Ginny as an adult, she was sentenced to attend the Academy. [b]Group:[/b] Sedition [b]Other (anything else you want to add):[/b] "Ginny" is not pronounced like "Gin - E" but rather "Jenny".