In 2025 the future is a grim one, people have stopped believing in their governments, and doubting deities. There alternative to normal crude oil mining had changed and now giant algae growing facilities produced most of the worlds fuel, which after atmosphere “purifiers” were established in the north pole, that concern had left the average citizens mind. One man Doctor Marcus Anima, changed the human race for eternity. The Evolution of Humankind would reach its event horizon because of the actions made by one man. The possibilities would grow to be endless and a few of the people who lived in the time of Anima, got to see the end of the universe itself. They would watch as the Universe warped and squeezed around them until they were all condensed back to the singularity point there matter had come from. None on that day shed a tear, for nothing to them was as painful as the days they had seen the beautiful existence of humans slain. These people in the moments before the big crunch looked as they had some odd hundreds of millions of years ago, and they would float there in a weightless void as there bodies adapted to there every surrounding. As a fraction of a millisecond went by there body had changed and adapted in more ways than was conceivable. There fluid had adjusted to the pressures of space. In some there lungs had adapted and grown glands within to produce oxygen, others had adapted to making there own atmospheres around them in an unconscious manner. There bodys had developed its own barriers for space, and as you could imagine they were nearly indestructible in every way shape or form. Stories of the Wise that told of Anima’s days, had lived on though the children of the new humans could never escape the lives Anima instilled in their ancestors. Some saw him almost as a god, “the mortal man that solved the problems of death”, others scorned him for what he had turned mankind into. By the time of those who see the big crunch mankind is no more, in a sense that not a single one of the beings floating throughout outerspace felt human. Many of the humans realizing the true destiny they will once meet, despite having the ability to live this destiny and see the true answers of the universe. choose to end their lives and shut down completely leaving empty husks of floating super beings. Many could be found in the graveyards of the rubbles of earth that floated around there cold star. Though that is the distant future and we are fortunate enough to live the lives of undying superbeings. Our fates are not set in stone, but we haven’t realized our universe’s isn’t, and someone has to chisel it in. Some of us are scientist that worked along side Anima in our own fields of study, though most of us are lab subjects with extremely experimental versions of the micro bots. This is Anima’s legacy, his etching in the fate of the universe, and the possibilities are literally endless, one day the potential of mankind will reach a point where it can never get better because it is the best it can be. What will you become? Somdium Corp has just introduced Anima “Mark 1” to the public. The lab rats and scientist have a special “Mark 2” that adapts to every possible scenario. The Ability you begin with will pale in comparison to what your power will truly be. If you can survive, when you exit the massive underground facility owned by Marcus Anima himself. The average citizen with the Mark 1 can do a number of things, and in many ways the Mark 1&2 are almost exactly the same, the only major difference is the adaptive tech in the Mark 2’s. But why would the future of humankind be put into a bunch of low class scientist and lab rats? That leads us to one of Anima’s favorite questions “why not?” The Year is 2032, you wake up in a crowded room, that seems to be a prison cell of some sort… But all the doors are open. It looks as though the building has been abandoned, as you walk to the exit to try and get out of this purgatory, you notice a scientist in a lab coat hanging on the wall by a noose. Stapled to the man's shirt was a small piece of paper and on it said “You can't play God!” written in hasty hand writing. You continue to the exit noticing people are beginning to wake up, scientist were starting to get up off the ground. Every person there looked different, but they all shared two qualities 1. they had all woke up with no memory of who or what they were, besides the wristbands on the patients and the id of the scientist. 2. each one of them had a scar running straight down the back of there neck. You find a group of misfits that seems to have a bit of an idea whats going on… One man stands alone in the front of the room that once was the testing center for this facility. He said “Hello, im sure you're wondering why you're all here, all i can tell you is… Life as it was has changed. In order to save you all from pharmaceutical genocide Doctor Anima put all of us in a stasis for two years locked away in this facility. As far as i can tell the outside world doesn't even know this bunker is here. Oh i almost forgot… My names James Dowley. I was head of design on Anima’s team.” The tall man reached up and touched the back of his neck feeling the scar there. REVISE: So i added something to the Char sheet we really need that i overlooked so im sorry for those of you who have already made a Character but its just a bit that will help us figure out who we will work with best and what not. Not anything big or deep ;] Char Sheet info: Name: Age: Appearance: (try to be creative if you can) Initial Ability: Who you were: REVISE: Personality : (GM facepalm) I know the Char sheet is pretty short but you don't need much… Also the only thing your person CAN remember is there name. Everything else you can choose to figure out or just live your new life… XD i’ll keep an eye out to see who’s joining James’ Character Sheet: Name: James “Beni” Dowley Age: 27 Appearance: James’ entire body is covered in scars, from wars before his time there and the big one that brought him here. He has pale almost white hair, and his eyes are a swirling mix of pink and blue, and they often change color depending on his mood, which leads to him revealing information without saying a word at times. He often curses Anima for this because one time he overheard a conversation Anima was having with another lead on his projects. He says it was there savior’s way of giving him his shortcomings, that way he could never truly lie again. His face is the most severely scarred from before the fatal accident that left him nearly in the dirt, and though they were plentiful they didn't look severe and a small hint of a dimple still resided on his cheek. He’s rather tall about 6’4, and he has a long arms and legs that you wouldn’t normally attribute to a warrior. He rarely looks serious so when he does it matters. If you ever saw him completely naked he would look pretty much like a frankenstein monster, and toward the center of his torso there were still traces of the tattoos that had once covered most of his body. He has an olive almost tan complexion. Initial Ability: The main ability James has is, whatever he touches he knows the make up of it down to its atomic level. This ability started as being able to touch something with his Mark 1 implant and immediately know either what was wrong with it, or how to improve it. Which helped him reconstruct his body after his accident. Also cellular reconstruction though at a very slow state. Who He Was: James “Beni” Dowley was born in Dublin, Ireland in a to a young girl who could not keep him. Through the foster system he found his way to the countryside and lived there as a small boy to his early teens. When he was 12 he ran away from the system to start his new life in America and quickly found his way into gang life on the streets of Los Angeles. It was there he learned the art of the con as a young boy, and was quickly organizing his own gang of hackers before he was 15. But life suddenly turned to pot on his 17th birthday when the world went to war, and he suddenly found himself being offered a job to order his own mercenary crew in the upcoming war. This was the first time something like this had ever happened and it even made headlines in the countries he had fought for. None the less, his crews were some of the most successful and after five years of war, he was one of the most respected generals of the Free nation, now established. After two more years of service the war ended and the entire world was united in Peace, all nations had absolved into the Free nation and war seemed over. So at 23 he had found a wife and settled down back in LA with his wife and two kids. Years later while he was working on medical research at the lab at his home, there was an explosion in the main wing killing his family and sending him flying into the road where the people responsible for murdering his family drove over him 12 times before leaving. He was just accepting his death as just, when men showed up and took him to a hospital barely even a human anymore, but somehow with the missing limb’s he was still breathing. As he lay there in agony in the hospital bed, body burnt and destroyed, Marcus Anima came to see him. He said he was planning something huge that the world would forever be changed by, and he said he wanted James’ help. At which point James yelled at Anima to let him die alone like he wished, and how he was no use to anyone how he was. After being pelted with most of James’ dinner the man stood up and steadied James’ good hand with his. He told him that he had seen what had torn most of his body apart in his lab during the explosions, all the research he had put into 3D printing and its many applications. With that James’ let his friend transfer him to his private facility where he was given one of the first samples of Mark 1 called “Noah” at the time and it was extremely experimental even then. When he had a team in his hospital room, with the new power his Noah had given him he finished his work on cellular reconstruction, and put his body back together piece by piece, as it was before his accident from his brains knowledge of it. Personality: James is almost always pretty happy even in the most stressful of times, which is polar opposite to who he was as a war general. Though his eyes are cold and distant he always tries not to get caught up in his past and slip into his own mind, and sometimes it shows as he will simple just zone out for a few moments sometimes with his eyes closed. He’s a smooth talker, and would rather talk out most of his problems before pulling out the pistols. He has a kind heart and at times seems almost fearless since his Mark 2 has given him the ability of cellular reconstruction and he is often very chill and relaxed, often with a wise to crack, and a cup of tea for you to pour your sorrows into in his office on the bottom floor of the bunker.