Private residence in Fuyuki City Brecht stood in front of a widescreen TV as an aged figure spoke through it "In short, your primary objective is to verify the legitimacy of our records regarding Holy Grail and of course, to secure it afterwards. To ensure success, the items you requested have been delivered." "Yeah yeah, I got it." "And in the event you should be defeated..." "Not a trace. I've been briefed." With that, Brecht pushed a button on a remote, turning the screen off. Thought he'd never shut up. Now then, time to get this party rolling.[/i] Brecht approached the magic array set on the floor and tossed what appeared to be a rusted blade onto its center. As he recited a foreign incantation, the circle glowed brightly as a male figure took shape. "....You summoned me?..." The new arrival spoke in agitation "Glad to see you've still got some sense there, Berserker." The officer brought out a bottle of fine wine and two glass cups from a nearby table "A toast to to our new partnership" Before Strongarm could pour the wine, Berserker made for a swiping motion leaving the mage momentarily confused until his eyes caught a wine bottle placed firmly in the specter's grip; and to no surprise, found his right hand bare. "Quite the thirsty fella ain't ya" Brecht said with a mixture of a disturbed yet somewhat amused expression crossing his features as Berserker chugged down the contents in the bottle until it emptied and was tossed away "[i]Here's to hoping that craving will be sated by the blood of our enemies.[/i]" At that proclamation, a faint smirk escaped the Berserker's lips.