Name: Feneya Gender: Female Stage: Dragonelle Ancestry: Aramoor Appearance: [img=] (But with more back fringe if you want) Personality: Feneya is only 127 years old but she is wise for her years. She takes responsibility for everything around her, especially hatchlings and drakes. She has never found a mate but is very protective of any dragon younger than her. She is not afraid to be brutally honest if the situation call for it and will call out any dragon that is behaving in a manner she thinks is wrong. She does like to laugh and enjoys having fun but she always has an eye out for trouble. Her instincts are finely tuned and she thinks quickly in dangerous situations. Some find her irritating because of her abrasively protective and honest nature but Feneya doesn't pay them any mind. She often turns to sarcasm or other types of snarky comments to get her point across and is a little lacking when it comes to tact, even though her heart is always in the right place. She will almost always put the needs of other dragons above her own even if that means sacrificing something she wants or needs.