Seeing that the her support pulley seemed obsolete, Jyoti recoiled the fiber cord with one swift pull, tucking it back into her lab coat. Jyoti's eyes widened in fascination of the mechas coming to life, like a newborn brought into the world for the first time, she thought to herself. While the three played with their new toys, Jyoti eyed the small caved in space in which the mechs sat. [i]Darkrai[/i] was possibly the only thing holding everything up since it was the largest one, and that meant it would be near impossible to get it out without everything coming down on their heads. "How many more are in there?" Jyoti asked, moving into the cramped space without waiting for an answer. It was much darker and the dust created from moving around the rocks didn't help either, Jyoti moved cautiously with her hands outstretched forward since her glasses were instantaneously covered in dust. Suddenly Jyoti bumped into something cold and curved, maybe it was another mech? Jyoti wiped away the dirt on her glasses, putting them back on for a better look, in front of her rested a small dome shell that was much smaller than the three mechs she already passed. Jyoti brushed her hand over the smooth surface, not sure of what to make of it. With a small spark, the shell hummed to life, but it was still to dark to see what exactly it was and she certainly didn't want to waste time having to go fetch a flash light, "Ugh, it's to dark, I need to move this thing outside of the cave-in." "Request Accepted." Huh? The shell began to move toward the opening of the small cave, pushing Jyoti back. Not bothering to question the situation, Jyoti followed the shell out of the cave-in. In the slightly better lighting, Jyoti could see that the shell was really a mech collapsed and made more compact, it's bright blue metal was coated in dust and showed signs of minor abuse, Jyoti whistled on approval of her finding. She looked behind her where the other mechs rested with their newly appointed pilots seated in the cockpits, she turned to the shell mech and began to touch the exterior for any way to get inside. "UNIDENTIFIABLE PRINTS RECOGNIZED." There it went again, the mech was talking about her apparently. Wait, it READ her fingerprints? "How to I turn you on?" Jyoti thought aloud. "New User? Please State User Name." Jyoti was taken aback by this, "Ratnajyoti, I mean um... just Jyoti!" Jyoti said hoping not to mess up how she said her name so she went with the shortened version. "New User Confirmed: Jyoti?" Jyoti nodded as if the machine was actually paying attention. Slowly the mech began to unfold and take a different shape, it reminded her of a beetle almost. "Greeting Jyoti," the mech's system began, the shell mech brought it's chest forward, revealing a cosy cockpit, holographic screens rotated the cockpit in circles rapidly displaying all sorts of information that Jyoti didn't bother to read. "Do you have a name?" Jyoti asked the mech, anticipating a cool response; the other mechs were telling their names to their new owners. The system's seemed to be processing the question, since it did not give a direct answer. "This unit is a custom utility repair and stealth combat mech, capable of conducting electrical currents, model F14-E325C. Is that what you refer to?" The system paused, awaiting Jyoti's answer. Jyoti shook her head, she couldn't pinpoint why she did; it's not like the mech had any obvious eyes, it seemed to only responded to voice, "No I meant a name, perhaps a code name? Those other mechs have names..." Jyoti turned her head to look at the other three, she was kinda jealous that they had it much easier than her. The mech in front of her made a sort of clunking noise, "This unit does not have a designated "Name"." Jyoti could have sworn that the robotic voice carried a hint of annoyance, but dismissed it. "May I give you one then?" Jyoti wouldn't want to be the odd one out by having to recite a long model number rather than a short and concise name. The mech stuttered, maybe it was considering the request? "You may," The mech finally said "What name will you give?". Jyoti smiled, excited to give her mech a name like the others. She thought for a while before responding, "Juganū," Jyoti nodded her head in approval of her choice, "I shall call you Juganū." "Firefly?" The mech inquired, Jyoti nodded "Yes, Juganū, meaning Firefly."