Rinn growled as his firebolt struck the frost atronach in the chest causing the elemental to groan in pain as it fell back a step. It was just the kind of window the guard needed as he came in hard: steel sword taking two good chunks out of the hulking thing's chest before it recovered. Unfortunately, it [i]did[/i] recover far quicker than he expected and immediately swung one thick ice arm back at him. He got his blade up in time to block but the force of the blow was enough to make his arm go numb and would probably have broken his arm if much of its power hadn't been absorbed by the energy shield that he suddenly found himself wrapped in. [i]Who...?[/i] He didn't have the time to find and thank the mage as he jumped back to create a bit of distance from his opponent. The daedra had other plans and charged forward without a moment's hesitation leaving him to dive aside to avoid being smashed to a pulp. [i]How the hell can I beat this thing!?[/i] Focusing his eyes on the road between the atronach's tree-trunk legs, Rinn spotted a group of guards running towards them. "To me, guardsmen!" Rinn shouted, pushing himself to his feet as quick as he could manage. [i]This hunk of steel won't do much to a glacier... I guess that leaves just one option.[/i] Drawing upon what remained of his magicka pool, the guardsman wrapped himself in bright orange flames and charged for one final assualt; pouring all his energy into a rapid series of attacks. The atronach didn't know how to react to the sudden onslaught, nor the flames that now licked at its body with every step the guard took, and could do little more than swing wildly. This gave the five guardsmen plenty of time to reach them and begin hacking away at the icy body while the creature's rumbling groans grew ever louder. Taking two glancing blows that did only a minor bit of damage, Rinn brought his blade into the side of the creature's leg and finally forced it to its knees. Using his remaining energy for one final swing, he sent half of the atronach's head flying down the street. It collapsed with a crash, leaving Rinn to nod his thanks to the fellow guardsmen while his chest burned with every breath. "The chapel... barricade... the civilians." With a quick salute, the ran off to follow his orders; grabbing anyone nearby and practically dragging them up the chapel steps. Glancing to the other fighters he'd met in the street, the guardsman spotted the mercenary struggling against the dremora which was pursuing the man as he went for his sword. With a growl of exertion, the spellsword ran charged headlong at the daedra, armored shoulder leading the way, and struck it with enough force to send it tumbling to the ground.