[center][b]Name[/b]: [i]Mere Eve Centron[/i][/center] [center][b]Age[/b]: 18[/center] [center][b]Creature[/b]: [i]Human[/i][/center] [center][b]Description[/b][/center] [center][img]http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/1464632-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]Quote[/b]: [i]" I can hear you, feel you, hearing your thoughts, the breath of your voice and the beating of your fast heart. Are you scared? Don't be...I am not to be scared of nor to be hated, I just want a friend who cares and loves..me please?[/i] .[/center] [center][b]Characteristics[/b]: Mere observers, learning more of any race, seeing how everything works around her. Mere is quiet as if a cat....she stands around staring Mere is very 'odd' she watches from above...ony to appear if something were to happern and when there is a croud around she will, likely to be gone. Mere is strong, though her appearence is tiny and puny her strength and speed is like a cat. Mere is very ' un-knowable' she barely knows anything about humans or the human culture. If she were to meet one of the humans, she would ask many questions about them so she can learn it and learn anything for battle.[/center] [center][b]Backstory[/b]: Mere saw the light gleemed through the cracks of my so called Birthplace. Mere cried as she saw the light, seemingly dance along her skin for hours. She only heard the meows and purss....of the kittens that were near. She felt a soft touch against her small finger, it was fur, fur of a kitten..handing her a piece of 'tuna' found near...the shelter that Mere was in. Her parents left me for an odd reason, but, I think it was ment to be that I go some where else. It seemed as if she could easily adapt to any race of any place. Mere's eyes seemed odd, different from most humans. There pupils were diamond shaped and colors of red and orange..surrounding them. Odd, but she could see easier in the dark, light doesn't seem to effect her when it hits her eyes..at night, only gleeming, reflecting off her lens. [center][b]Relationship[/b][/center] [center][i]N/A[/center][/i] [b][center]Are you living/planning to live with someone?[/center][/b] [center][i]Mere is living in a apartment with 3 cats[/center][/i] [center][b]Where will/do you work?[/center][/b] [center][i]Works at a bakery with some of her own kind[/center][/i]