[b]Name:[/b] Ignasius Permato [b]Age:[/b] 46 [b]Appearance: (picture or description)[/b] [img]http://i609.photobucket.com/albums/tt174/enkas/Char_zpsb00d4a9b.png[/img] [b]Stance: (Is your character for or against killing the dragons? Explain.)[/b] Ignasius, being an honorable and altruistic person feels empathy for the dragons that can be put to extinction once again, thus he refuses to go along with the poachers, and sometimes even obstructs their hunt, when he is certain that he can take them. [b]Personality:[/b] Ignasius, who once have been a knight in his younger days, still follows a code of honour of his previous occupation. He is a good, honest man, not afraid to spit the truth right into someone's face. Ignasius is brave and is not afraid to die, in face, death in combat is the one he prefers. This man is patient and will take criticism and insults without too much of a consideration. While he likes to be praised rightly, he hates flatterers, and instantly thinks less of them. [b]Weapons:[/b] While Ignasius usually carries a steel arming sword, as well as a shield, he also has an iron warhammer for breaking heavilly armored opponents and a lance for charging with his horse (His lance is straped to the saddle when not in use. This man also has a knife, though that is usually used for non-combat situations.