[quote=byrdmanx] A training dummy is sent flying across the room, slamming into the steel walls. Another one is sent flying towards the ceiling, denting the steel plates that were placed there to reinforce the wood so that it doesn't collapse. Wesson was doing his daily training procedures, as a warm up to get his day started. During his second break, he stared at the red marking on right arm. It had suddenly appeared almost a week ago and as much as he researched on it, he haven't ran on any concrete answers. It was aggravating him somewhat but training always clears the mind. Wiping the sweat from his body, he walk into the next room and cuts on the TV. As he noticed that there was nothing on TV, he then toss his remote on the sofa and left the room to enter the kitchen. Wesson place was set up, with one massive training room, with a kitchen, living room, one bathroom, and bedroom. The Training room was bigger than all the other rooms combined times ten. He needed the extra space as it offer more room to mix up his training style which includes martial arts, sword training as well as live fire and his occasional practice with magic. After having a snack, Wesson was toying with his recently acquired sling-shot. Now this sling-shot was old yet it had a magical aura around it. Wesson came across it in another country where it made it's presence known in the form of a yellowish-orange color. Wesson can see things that are hidden in the form of colors due to his PURE EYES. After inspecting it, Wesson proceed to place the object in the living room and take a nap. [/quote] Not 10 minutes into his sleep, he began to have vivid dreams of old tales of the past, a legendary warrior who was skilled in many arts and talents was shown. He had gain many allies and items on his quest and had defeated some of the most troublesome foes... as the warrior dies during his lifetime.. Wesson noticed the warrior looked directly at himself and sprung towards him Wesson quickly jumped up, with a couple of drops of sweat dripping from his face... [i]"What an crazy dream... who was that"[/i]. A sudden aura presented itself to Wesson, he had a knack for noticing the supernatural and he quickly glance in the direction it was coming from. The sling-shot was giving off an incredible aura... one he hasn't seen ever before.. Wesson gets it and grabs the object... immediately light envelope the room, pouring everywhere. Wesson had learn from his father that if he came across objects like this was to form a unique magical circle and contain the energy to prevent destruction and he needed to contain the energy before they destroy his place. He quickly drew a magical circle while avoid debris that was flying across his room. Upon completion, the object magical energy stop.. and suddenly without warning exploded sending Wesson flying into his living room, through the kitchen and outside his residency. Luckily, his place of residence was on the outskirts of the city.. he had to keep his identity as a Magus a secret after all. Shaking off the feeling of being flown back, Wesson quickly got on his feet and assets the damages... His living room was destroyed, his kitchen badly damage and there was a figure present in the midst of this mess. "State yourself" Wesson declared, prepping to attack if need be. "Alas, its you who have summon me, and I am what they called Lancer".. This figure approach Wesson. He was wearing armor, that was decorated with the finest of craftsmanship. The symbol of three swirls can be seen on the breastplate, which gave off magical energies itself. His greaves and gauntlets radiated the same kind of craftsmanship and bore the same markings. He also wore a grayish cloak that seem to match his helmet which had two stones... one in the from and one in the back. He was wielding a colorless spear as well as a sword with mystic writings on its blade. "Lancer?" Wesson ask confusingly. He had no idea that his life was about to changed. Lancer looks and Wesson and smiles