Skull glanced at Jyoti, who just moved past the cave-in... Towards a bit of his new weapons side... Skull moved the head a bit, seeing the piece of metal ball... What the hell was that? Skull bursted out in laughter, the lunatic had just gained a lunatic mecha... Just a mere ball... What kind of use would that even have?! Skull crossed his arms, after realsing the handlebars, making them stay in the same position to make sure Darkrai's arms wourld still hold out the cealing... Skull then started to read some information on the screens... The screens in his cabin were quite filled with different kind of information... From two mere weapons, to devestating combat moves... Skull almost started to enjoy his new weapon... He could use them against the droids... But he also knew, that Darkrai was still stuck within the rubble... Only his upper-body was out of the rubble, wich made it easy for SKull to enter it... But the lower body was still beneath the earth... Making it hard to move around... And even escape this cave-in... Skull glanced around at the screens, as he noticed the boosters... If he would perhaps use those, then he would be able to free his new weapon of destruction... But he had to make sure no other mecha would be in the way, or he would kind of destroy them aswell... Skull started to study the other interesting things about his mecha... About his tought armor, his speed... And even how destructable the weapons truelly were... Skull's face showed a dark grin, and yet only those who would see inside the Mech would be able to see it... And the hatch was closed, so none would truelly know Skulls true intentions for now... Perhaps he would test out the armor of the other Mecha's?... See how much they would be able to truelly take? How much hits before they would crumble to pieces?