Shinji nodded at his mistress, as he made his leave. [b]"I shall await your call, Mi'lady..."[/b] Shinji left the room, but his face immediatly changed... He hated it when he wasn't allowed into the fun... But for now he had to accept it... Shinji moved towards the garden, where he had some unfinished work, as he walked into the garden, he grabbed his tools and started to work. First he would plant new flowers... Tulips, sunflowers, Daisy's, roses, some lavender... And after that he would work on the hedge, making different kind of figures... From unicorns, to humanbeings, to tree's with squarells in them... he enjoyed working in the garden, for the tools he used were lethal and also dangerous... As he glanced over at the mansion, he still awaited the call from his mistress... Also he was wondering what the letter was about... A new investigation? Or perhaps... Tracking someone down? Or to destroy some shipment?... Shinji glanced for another second, as he continued with the garden, making sure it was fertilized.