Time would go by. She didn't know how long it had been, but time continued to go by as she talked to these people about contracts. When it was time, Jackie got up and showed her guests out of the room they were in. Jackie smiled as she talked to the guests before opening the door and letting them out. She sighed and shut the door behind them and rubbed her face slightly. THat had taken way too long and she was bored now. She had been bored the entire time. She sighed and looked around before walking over to Shinji and she smiled at him and chuckled. "This had been the worst meeting of my entire life and I mean worst because I totally hated it..a lot." She chuckled a little bit as she rubbed the beck of her neck. "Ok, so now I have to go and practice my dancing for the ball tonight." She said with a smile. "I know I have to go so you don't even have to start lecturing me, but you didn't miss anything."