"What? Is this all? Are you...is this guy for real?" A torrent of massive electrical energy enveloped Kenji as he slipped out of his skeletal captor's grasp and lunged for Lorenzo. Standing at a mere few inches from his face, a snake's grin crept along his lips. "Best watch yourself little Tsubasa," he taunted. "Compared to me, even you're nothing but a shit eating kid....hey is that my hat?" The overbearing negative presence that had now begun to taint the very air suddenly receded away, dissolving into nothingness. There laying on the ground was Kenji's fedora. Walking over to it, the demon picked up the thing and began to lightly dust it off. Setting it atop his head once more, he turned to give Lorenzo a small shrug and an innocent smile. "Sorry about that boss! I guess I got a little...carried away. I do hope Miss Yui over there makes a quick recovery and all. Guess my hat got knocked off in the heat of it all, huh?" No longer was there a sense of bloodlust radiating from the demon, as he truly returned back to his normal self. Well, as normal as Kenji Nagato could get. "Still, I won't lie that it was fun! Knocking the poor girl around and...it was like fighting air!" Chuckling, Kenji walked over to Emi. "I hope we haven't discouraged you two. Ah, you can come out too Tetsuya! I assure you, everything is taken care of. Though, I hope this was a learning experience for you both now. Wouldn't want something like this to happen again, yes?"