[hider=Vera CS][center][IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/30hu5iu.png[/IMG][/center] [b]Name:[/b] [indent]Vera Pavelevna Lavrin[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]25[/indent] [b]Nationality:[/b] [indent]Russia[/indent] [b]Ethnicity:[/b] [indent]Russian[/indent] [b]Sex:[/b] [indent]Female[/indent] [b]Appearance:[/b] [indent]Lengthy platinum locks are usually pulled into a messy ponytail with a simple black band to hold each strand in place. A vile creature caught Vera off guard not long ago and managed to slice a few tresses off giving her an uneven look; fortunately missing her neck entirely. Brows are naturally arched conveying a semi-permanent ire stricken or pissed off expression and intense orbs the color of a stormy sky rest above high cheekbones. Below a rounded jaw lies a unique S’torei tattoo in jet ink. Much the same color of her plain wardrobe. Guise hunter green the second main hue of plain attire consisting of worn cargo pants, short sleeved shirts, and jackets. An audible Russian accent can be heard from the tall yet comely woman with numerous piercings.[/indent] [b]Job:[/b] [indent]Hunter[/indent] [b]Eye color:[/b] [indent]Bluish grey[/indent] [b]Height:[/b] [indent]5’6[/indent] [b]Weight:[/b] [indent]116 lbs[/indent] [b]Unique Physical identifiers:[/b] [indent]Large onyx tribal chest & neck piece tattoo. Three nose piercings; hoop and stud on right side, stud on left. Vertical snakebites.[/indent] [b]Parents:[/b] [indent]Mother and father supposedly living[/indent] [b]Children:[/b] [indent]5 year old son named Savin[/indent] [b]Disabilities:[/b] [indent]Not so much a disability as a hindrance but Vera has embedded shrapnel located along her back from a vehicle detonation while savaging. Raised scars remain where they entered. Nothing can be done as these pieces do not completely interfere with daily life. She does not treat herself with medication but with “physical therapy” light stretching and so forth. [/indent] [b]Biography:[/b] [indent]An act of God--not of their own planning was born five years after the initial outbreak to parents following the SRF. Vera found herself rebelling from their bias views as she grew older. This affected her relationship with both parents immensely and by eighteen the anarchistic Russian had already ran away from their safe haven and bounced between numerous raiding groups. One aspect about her family that earned much respect was their tough love since she learned her way around action quick from their involvement in the faction. Submerged in violence she soaked in combat like a sponge at such a young age and mimicked what she had witnessed. If any group doubted her ability it took but one shot from her rifle to change their minds. A shady group called The Martyrs became her only means of company for a time though they plundered the weak and made others suffer. An example of this transpired while making a faux trade with a tribal faction of S’torei. Instead of offering goods in exchange The Martyrs rejected any trade and began firing upon the peaceful faction because of their selfishness. Vera, finally appalled by her affiliation’s actions, turned on The Martyrs to aid the S’torei. They banned her from ever trading with them again but she refused to take no for an answer, wanting to make the situation right. Every day for two long years the determined girl returned to the previous meeting spot placing offerings to them in goodwill. Finally they accepted and sent someone to meet her. That person became the love of her life and inked her trademark tattoo. Although she was not welcome inside their community she spent some time with their people and nearly every waking minuet with Mti since their first encounter. Like mother like daughter--history repeated itself and Vera unexpectedly found herself with child. Truly, for the first time in her life she had to care about someone other than herself. With each little whoosh of tiny toes seemingly like butterflies wings fluttering in her stomach, she knew that this was no life for a baby. With much consideration she discussed moving to the refuge many had been talking about. Instead of living dangerously in foliage with no real place to call home, it was the best to transfer. On the way they were ambushed by an unknown monstrosity that could have appeared from a terrible nightmare. The monster omitted bullets and was unfazed by slices of Vera’s blade. Finally, Mti used himself as bait to detour it away and her life changed once more for worse. Even now those last words of his ring powerfully in her ears. She will never forget the deep devotion shimmering in those chocolate hues while he died, smiling affectionately and without fear while swiftly impaled through the chest. Sobs and screams never once ceased as she ran the rest of the way to the refuge dripping in sweat and salty tears. The search for her family proved favorably and they reconnected instantaneously. To protect her son and raise money she began hunting near the sanctuary. One night when she returned from the outside her family was nowhere to be found. Instead, their place had been torn to pieces just like The Martyrs used to do. A handwritten note ripped in half spoke of SRF but her venture to them proved only in vain. The Russian federation offered no explanation or information though she swears Savin is safely there with them. All she can do is gather any rumors of her child and wait for the right member of the federation to slip. [/indent] [b]Skills and Talents:[/b] [indent]High pain tolerance, ambidextrous, iron stomach, shelter assembly, basic first aid, stealth, skinning, animal carving[/indent] [b]Primary Skill:[/b] [indent]Marksmanship, Hunting, Tracking[/indent] [b]Hobby:[/b] [indent]Target practice, hunting, & gathering[/indent] [b]Negative Trait:[/b] [indent]Night terrors inducing insomnia[/indent] [b]Gear:[/b] [indent] Military backpack Sunglasses Fire starter Small solar powered lantern that clips onto her backpack Tactical vest Half face mask Durable gloves A package of zip ties Dehydration salt Duel tomahawks Scent-killing spray Attractant pellets Packages of dried food x2 Caffeine powder x3 Cheery flavored slush in a canteen x2 Purge solution x2 Crowbar Binoculars Plastic bags Bins [fold-able & compact] Sleeping bag Duffel bag Small sewing kit Plate, bowl, spoon, & fork Rope Soap bar x2 Respirator Night vision goggles[/indent] [b]Knife:[/b] [indent]Thick tungsten survival knife[/indent] [b]Gun and ammo:[/b] [indent]Dragunov SVD; 250 rounds 9 shot revolver gun blade; 60 rounds[/indent][/hider]