[b]Name:[/b] RoShan (Row-Shahn) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Stage:[/b] Dragon [b]Ancestry:[/b] Mirfield [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb320/prodigyduck/BronzeDragon-04.jpg] [b]Personality:[/b] RoShan is an older dragon, past three hundred in years, and so he has had time to develop his particular brand of distaste for humans. Ever since going into hiding, he'd been reclusive and quiet, doing little more than hunting, eating, and sleeping. When talked to, or asked of anything, he'd rarely speak, and when he did it always sounded frustrated, forced, resentful. Even the comforting presence of the Queen did nothing to soothe the rage that built inside of him. During the decades before the return of the dragons, RoShan began to express his hatred of the humans who drove them into hiding. RoShan believes that humans are a plague on the world, and deserve nothing less than a complete and utter genocide. They started a war when the dragons went into hiding, and those that would see them dead for no reason other than glory or a few scales deserve a slow death. Any time that he doesn't spend attending the Queen, as he is bound to do, he spends flying across the land, meeting the challenges set upon him by the foolish humans that believe themselves strong enough to kill a titan of the sky.