Emi watched the fedora clad man approach. He was a threat. She had thought he would help, but there was no way someone with that much power could be around her Tetsuya. "Yes, Mr. Nagato. No problems, I'll just take Tetsuya to treat his shoulder." She said while looking back to her beloved. "Tetsuya, lets go! We have a few things to talk about!" [i]I have to be alone with that? It seems like everyone here is crazy! I don't know if I'm safe from anyone... Emi murdered me before, the Ice demon Yui is crazy without candy, Kenji is the scariest fucking thing I've ever seen, and Lorenzo, Lorenzo swatted Emi away like a fly. I can't touch anyone here. I'm useless.[/i] He thought while picking himself up and walking over to his "beloved" Emi. [i]I wonder if she'll treat my wounds or if she'll just make me suffer.[/i] "Coming dear." Smaller demons led Emi and Tetsuya up the stairs and out of the great hall, towards the private rooms they would stay in.