Yay, it's back. Hooray. On an aside, I am currently writing my own, heavily AU fic over on FF.Net called 'A Game of Shadows', check it out if you want. Now then, the new episode. Huzzah for improved animation. Things look better, and no more shadow people walking around in the background. This is always a plus Villainous character development is good. Still no clue as to motivations for things, but now we have some actual dialogue to work with. For example, I now know that with the fic i have, I need to give Roman more sarcasm in his speech and such. also, White Fang characters, though it seems Cinder is in charge of the White Fang? More questions that will be answered later I suppose. And, the centerpiece, the food fight. Very much over the top, but enjoyable none the less, so the liberties taken can be excused (For example, that bread much have been pretty stale. And where did the swordfish come from?) Complete with shameless White Rose tease. Then we've got the use of Semblance, with Ruby's speed, Pyrrha's magnetism, and the like (though I bet Blake could have benefited from making a few shadow clones during that) And apparently Glynda's magic can put everything back the way it was, even in spite of being broken. Like the smashed tables that didn't fall apart afterwards. All in all, not an amazing episode, but for a season opener it was alright.