[i]Hey, this is our last summer to hang. We've got our own things going on come Fall - I mean, heck, I won't even be on this side of the country come August - and I thought it would be great if we got together for one last blast, make one last memory. My dad helped me rent a beach house out on the Cape and I'd love for you to join me. We've got it from June 21st until July 31st, and unless something major comes up - that's how long I'd like the trip to be. Let me know ASAP if you can make it; I'm getting together a group for this and will be providing transportation in the form of passenger van so I need the head count so we have enough seats for everyone, and space for their stuff. Anyways, let me know. Hope you can make it! <3 ~Harper~[/i] Several of Harper's friends received this message over the week leading up to graduation. Basically, Harper's looking for one last big fun get together with her friends before she leaves. There aren't really any concrete plans aside from drive out and hang out on the beach and party at the house. Plans beyond that can be discussed in character, or we can have a chat about it beforehand once the OOC goes up if people would rather. [hider=Info About Harper]You know your buddy Harper, the chick with the metaphoric rose colored glasses. She's always sharing the spotlight by telling amazing stories that happened to other people you know - or at least have heard of - and encouraging you and other friends to share their own stories. Maybe you two met because she's the one that got that bully to leave you alone, or gave you that ride home when she saw your car was broken down. Could be you met just being in the same class, or because she introduced herself to you at a party for a mutual friend. Sure, she models and has acted in more than just school plays - like playing a semi-main character for several seasons of a series - but she always makes time for friends. Like maybe she helped you study for a big test in a class she was acing, or she showed up to a game to cheer you on, or even encouraged you to ask out that crush of yours (maybe even setting you two up in some elaborately planned way involving a group activity) or even to go out for a lead of a play. At any rate, she's always willing to stay after a party to help you clean up the mess, or - when you had a fight with your parents - give you a futon to crash on while you cooled down, or even cover babysitting for you when you had a date. When you showed up with a friend or relative to one of her small parties, she just smiled and said 'the more the merrier' and made sure the additional person was taken care of too; so you can feel confident in asking if a friend or sibling or other relation could come along for the trip and know she'd say sure and include them in too. And, unlike some of the rumors, she did actually landed a role in a made for TV movie for a series picking up steam. She's headed to California; this may be the last time you see her aside from on TV or talk to her aside from a social media website. *Note, the above doesn't have to be how you met or why you're friends. It's just a list of things she has done and ways she has met friends. If you have an idea not seen or doesn't exactly fit what was said, feel free to ask me about it anyways. I enjoy being asked things, and am certainly willing to spitball until we find a situation that is in line with both characters.*[/hider][center] --- [/center] These are the very basic rules: You can have up to 2 characters, but if you do then one of the characters [u][i][b]must[/b][/i][/u] be a friend of Harper's. Any characters submitted must either be friends of Harper or know one of the other characters going on the trip. That said, I'm only accepting up to 16 characters. We don't have to have 16 people, but that's the limit. Aside from requesting that at least half of the people attending are actually friends with her, the only real restriction for characters is that friends receiving the invite are 16-18 years old (either having just graduated high school or will be seniors in high school next year.) *Note this can be negotiated if you have an idea for a character that isn't a high school friend.* Gender, interests, personalities - those are all up to you. All I ask is you think very carefully before submitting a loner or someone that could be labeled 'asshole'; this is a social experience, and - even though Harper might be friends with them - she would have used her better judgement than invite along someone that would make the others miserable or put someone in a social situation which they would probably prefer not to be. As this is just an interest thread, I'll post up more concrete rules (posting, expectations, blah blah blah) and the character sheet in the OOC if this gets interest. All characters are subject to approval (but I am willing to work with someone if they produced a Sue/Stu). Although this is a first come, first served kind of deal for characters - people that posted interest here will have spots reserved for being able to submit characters in the OOC; please let me know how many spots to reserve for you. ((One final note: Beebee2121 is my co-mod. Forgot to add that.))