Elysia stood next to the window in her room, watching as the sun slowly made its way into the sky after a sleepless night. Usually she would only come here for school clothes and lunch or if they needed the house for a disguise from the humans which could mean friends visiting even work related visits if it came to her father but this time was different. Apparently something was going on that she was left in the dark about because her father had insisted that they needed to stay in the house more often if not everyday. The house was too cramped for her, though most would say that it was decent sized she couldn't see it as anything but suffocating. A knock sounded from her bedroom door before her father's voice reached her ears, pulling her attention from the window to him. "Can I come in? Elysia, you better get ready or you might be late. Breakfast is on the stove, I'll see you tonight and please be careful." he spoke gently. "I will be safe, have a good day. Thank you for breakfast..." she smiled. "Well then, I am off. Call me if you need too." he replied with one last look at his little girl before heading out. Elysia quickly freshened herself up before pulling on her school uniform and heading down to the kitchen to have some breakfast. It wasn't long before she grabbed her lunch from the fridge and was out the door, walking the same route she did every morning. She had no idea that her day was going to be a chat fest about her kind and having to listen to all of it, trying not to get upset. It was going to be a rough and very long day.