Dien groaned has he walked towards the stoplight. Every one was excited around him or.. .seemed to be surprised about something. The slow hum of the cars can be heard from every direction which was weird because the streets where never this busy near the neighborhoods. Checking his watch, he took the time in and counted that he had about twenty minutes to get to school. He was in no clubs so he did not need to be there early like the other students. But the chatter from the other students who are walking like him and other people kinda got to him. He started to pick words slowly has he picked up the words "Dragon" and "Hiding". Weird. He thought that talk died down two years ago with the attacking of the shopping district. The government covered it up has a gang attack but every one saw and knew that it was a dragon. Rubbing the back of his head. He slowly tuned every one of them out but he got a slight shock in the back of his head when the word dragon popped up in his mind. Like it meant something to him. This was not the first time this happened. He would get these shocks when ever he thought about those creatures but he all ways shook it off. Taking a sigh, he turned his head and saw a girl with a different uniform walking a different direction. Of course he seen many other schools walk around this area because the schools where quite close to each other but he never seen this girl. She gave off this air... A weird... Color...