Lorenzo saw kenji he couldn't believe that he was this far behind in his power against him. he wanted to stand on equal ground with him, he wanted to be treated like an equal to him not as a kid like he bluntly called him. so he left the area but not before asking some of his smaller demon servants to fetch more lollypops as Lorenzo carried yui to her own room in the estate and laying her down on the futon to rest as the demons put candy next to her in the room for when she wakes up while I left to find my father and he was just smoking and sitting under his the shade like old men do and Lorenzo went up to him and asked "father, I want to be stronger. I want you to help me" my father looked at me with slight surprise wondering what brought it on "can I ask why?" so I can be strong enough to hold the supreme gauntlet" Lorenzo told him since unlike the gauntlet that Lorenzo already had the supreme gauntlet like his father had, had much more power and easier ability to control the previous ancestors and enhance his allies power 10 fold but as one would expect that power is extremely hard to wield and can be deadly to the user if unready to hold it in their arm, it was a rumor but its said that if the supreme gauntlet is used by a certain air that it would gain another ability but again that was only speculation. Lorenzo father nodded to him and told him to start making tears and holding them for as long as he could Lorenzo did it since it was an old exercise he did when he was a child remembering the first time he saw the first ancestor Lorenzo was scared out of his mind thinking he angered the dead but the skeleton simply waved at Lorenzo and his dad explained that they were his oldest relatives from the past that wanted to play with him but he needed to learn to make a bigger tear before he could bring the family together. Lorenzo was a child at the time and simply believed it but he knew better as he aged making tears and saying hi to his ancestors before closing them doing it over and over again mentally and physically conditioning himself to do better...