A quick character sheet - let me know if you want me to expand on anything. Name: Heike "Happenstance" Nelssen Appearance: She has strikingly pale eyelashes and eyebrows - so pale blonde as to be almost clear. In certain lighting conditions, they almost glow. Her skin is pale but lightly freckled, and her hair is a light blonde, though not as pale as her eyelashes. In general, her complexion is stereotypically northern-european. She has a narrow nose with a slightly knobby bridge where it was once broken, and there is quite a large scar above her left ear that is hidden by her hair - although the hair over e scar grows out white. Her eyes are pale grey, and tend to pick up the colour of whatever she is wearing. Heike is quite tall, but has a gawky slenderness and a disproportionately short torso for the length of her limbs. When she awakens, she is dressed in blue-green hospital scrubs under a white lab-coat complete with a photo ID name tag and a pocket full of multi-coloured pens. Her blonde hair is in a french braid that reaches to just above her shoulder blades, and she is wearing brightly coloured sneakers with neon green laces. Initial Ability: Heike has the ability to alter the absolute value of random chance in her immediate physical area. Essentially, she can control how lucky she is but not wether it is good or bad luck. So, if she vastly increased her luck, she might guess the combination to a lock on the first try - or she mght be knocked unconscious by a falling duck. Who she was: Heike was a scientist - in fact, she held a medical doctorate with a specialization in hematology. It isn't entirely clear how she ended up as a test subject, but her history implies that she probably volunteered. Heike never had much of a life outside of work - she had no family that she knew of, lacked much of a romantic life, and had strikingly boring hobbies like bonsai trimming and stamp collecting. Before she grew up, went to university and became a doctor, Hap's life was actually pretty dark. As a small child she was abducted into a secret research facility that tried to do an objective study of luck. while there she developed a pretty profound case of Stockholm syndrome,and came to idolize the same scientists who kept her in a nearly featureless cell and occasionally mistreated her. She was in that facility for six years, leaving at age ten when a successful rebellion by some of the other prisoners allowed her to escape. She then entered into the foster system, and spent her teenage years in a variety of homes. While the experience was a positive one in that she was never neglected or mistreated, she had trouble forming significant bonds with her foster families and pretty much lost contact with them after she qualified for a full scholarship to attend University.